
I use eBay a lot, but have been phasing out of it for several types of items in lieu of Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. Even though I find most things for free, getting cash with no fees or shipping is growing in appeal to be more streamlined. However, I'll still be selling on eBay for a while as it's best for parts and many genres of items with a broader market exposure. My perfect top rated/reviewed seller rating also helps me command higher prices on eBay for some things since people know they'll have a good experience. Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace are best for larger/heavier, more fragile, or things people would prefer to test first. For example, strollers, music equipment, large electronics/machines, art, etc...

Good to know, thanks for all the information bro. I have never sold on ebay but i know that newbs dont sell as much becuase of lower ratings and i wondered how that affected you. Unfortunately i havent seen anywhere in my area that get me the type of free inventory that you seem to find, maybe im not looking in the right places or maybe my town is to small. I just never see things sitting out, not even on trash or recycling day. However antiques stores and thrift stores are a huge thing around me and i feel like there are some treasures waiting to be found i just dont know exactly what im looking for, that is why i like seeing your posts.. it gives me ideas. Im just going to try to start slow and see how i do, i figured with holiday season coming up there should be no shortage of good finds.

Not sure of your locale, but there are many ways to procure inventory. Estate sales, auctions etc. Some dealers I have sold next to at swap meets would run ads to haul things to the dump (for a fee) and often would get great things to sell on top of getting paid to haul the stuff away. You can also make up some business cards for hauling and give them to real estate agents that deal in foreclosures. Often those houses still have the previous owners belongings in them, and you can get paid to get your inventory that way as well. I could go on, but that should be enough to give you some ideas. Good luck :)

Those are all great ideas, thanks for sharing 😁

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