Heya Guys! It is Trance Dance Weekend

in #recordpool6 years ago (edited)

Let us Party Guys

I gave up to write to much of awesome artists in my space since I feel there is no real interest in getting to know the background of these guys, hence I place some tunes for your pleasure - should there be any love for this. I am playing only tunes I discovered myself in the meantime. My dream of Hivemind community feature with a space for electronic music is over anyway - I would have loved this, especially combining great DJ sets together with the likes of @kevinwong or @edje and @andyjaypowell - so for now just enjoy the sounds from these chaps:

Pryda - The End

Cirez D - Glow (Original Mix)


Pryda ist cool! Es gibt neue Versionen von t99 Anasthasia, u.a. von Jam El Mar. Da ist man gleich 20 Jahre jünger! :-)

Jam el Mar - Mann meiner Jugend :-)

Noch ein Fundstück aus besten Club Night Zeiten:
(ab 4:30 wird es richtig geil!)

Muss ich später ran - die Ladies pennen

I remember the days posts around the topic of music was totally undervalued, almost missing in our community. With DTube and DSound, producers and musicians gained traction. It is unfortunate the Steem blockchain doesn't have a service for music fans though. I certainly hope Hivemind will boost interactivity for music fans and for some reason I didn't loose faith yet. Please stay with us and let us figure out how we can give music fans an interesting place within our Steemit community when we are able to create sub-communities.

Always happy to stay and support the music community - I am not convinced Hivemind will bring anything related to community I am afraid

I'm not really engaged with what will come next, last year or so closed my eyes for all stuff going around and did my own thing. What I understood is that at some point the blockchain will support communities, but it'll be up to others to create the community features in evolutions or new user interfaces and services.

Yeah - understood the same but I see no steps forward in the dev part.

guess it may take some extra time now STINC laid of quite a few people.

Not expecting a lot in that respect by them anyway

True Words - Almost everyone listens to music and yet it is generally treated as a disposable product. That's a pity, that's sad. DSound was also badly battered.

i think the issue for music fans to find traction is the many music posts with just a youtube link, maybe added something from wikipedia as copy/paste. therefore any post with some 3rd party music in it, is generally regarded as plagiarism, or too easy to create and receive no attention. and I agree, when simply spending 1 minute to create a post, it shall not receive any reward whatsoever. in the end, in real life value is created either by: 1) time and effort put into something, and 2) a unique creation liked by the consumer and that is the model I think will only in a human driven digital community.

My words also referred more to the fact that as a musician you have a hard life with postings. With my colleagues I see that they often get more thumbs on Facebook when they post their dinner than when they present their new single. It's just sad. Not surprising in the envy and actor society either.

But surely simple Copy & Past + Youtube Link is also rarely worth a vote to me. Something personal or self formulated words should already be.

the thing with social media is that it only works for fast to consume content, a long post/message on whatever social media is less read than short posts/messages. music is long in itself, a track is usually at least a couple of minutes.

another issue is the quantity of music produced by a single artist; and as with so many art forms, when going for quantity this usually means lower quality which unfortunately i experience with many of the high volume creators. with the crypto based services for musicians, I start to notice quite a few musicians/producers, producing and posting a gazillion songs/tracks which degrades the value of music all-together. i know quite a few of high profile producers/artists in the electronic scene, meaning those who make a decent to a great living from being an artist and from them i do know it rarely takes just a few hours to create a track that is good enough for a wider audience; mostly it takes days (sometimes even weeks) of hard work to get a single track to a certain quality standard. unfortunately, quite a few musicians/producers spend way to little time on whatever they post; better to create less but with higher quality, than going for volume.

added to that, any art form can only get value when it is produced in low quantities. it is the same as with any other product, when many of the 'same' exist, the value goes down.

altogether, for any type of artist (music, painter, sculpturer, ....) it is difficult to create enough value with their art to be able to live from it, in or outside crypto space, in our outside real life. in music selling tracks and records and making a decent income from that, was always really hard, and became even harder with the internet. but this is quite logical, since selling a track means, one time producing and multiple times selling the same thing; the idea of spending relatively little effort and earn big money; that model is flawed and does not work, not with art, not with any product (with a very few exceptions based on something unique or luck in most of the cases).

it is for a reason why a whole eco system is build in the music industry with a lot of emphasis on specialised business tasks such as marketing (to stand out from the crowd), management (do the right thing at the right time) and so on.

none of the digital music services out in the market trying to link musicians/producers directly with the end-consumers is a success, because of the lack of all the business elements.

interestingly, the way for musicians to earn from their work is to perform while their productions are one of the marketing instrument to get the gigs and to get their fans to come to their gig and spend money to buy the ticket. because the gig itself, the live performance is a unique product and is of low volume people will spend good money for this product.

i personally thing, musicians and producers will have to step away from the idea their productions, tracks, songs will have value when distributing this digitally, and embrace the idea that when distributing this in an analogue method (meaning, in real life, gigs, performances, concerts etc) it actually has value.

I think your contribution is very good and should make some people think. I also agree with you on many points.
I just don't think that music or composition has no value. When vinyls or physical records were still being sold, the world was still fine. But that is the past. Today a copy of the copy of the copy is... without loss of sound possible. This business model is dead. But is the composition therefore worthless?
I agree with you that many people don't even know how complex the production of a track is. I always sit at least four full working days on a track. Often longer. That depends on the track.
But it is simply impossible for me to also go on tour as a DJ. That's why all known DJs have their producers - guys like me. The Ghost Producers. ;-)

agree the composition itself is not worthless, however with the internet and streaming services, the business model for digital distribution is more or less zero as you already pointed out. in cd and vinyl, only a very small amount of the consumer price went to the artists anyway, less then selling music digitally, for most artists at least (1 or 2 Euro for the artists for an album, versus 10to 20ct to even 50ct per track when selling through digital shops). in cd and vinyl, rare pieces of great artists (usually older stuff or limited editions), have much more value over digital, since it gives the consumer something unique, the record/cd itself + sleeve. same thing with eg digital paintings versus the analogue version.

you say all known DJs, I suppose you mean the top top top ones, known by the mass market, who earn million to millions a year? most artists I know personally, known for sure, but maybe not by the mass market, but a large amount of music fans, are producing themselves, no ghost producers and still able to earn multiple times of an average income. it is hard work indeed, long hours, but it is certainly possible to produce and tour (playing at least 2 gigs in a weekend). on the production side, most of these artists don't release more than one album every couple of years, a couple EPs, and a bunch of tracks and remixes for other artists EPs to not overflow the market with too much work in too short time.

The good thing of those artists who cannot produce due to time, or simply because they cannot, and the need to produce to get promoters to book the artists, is the ability for producers to produce without the need to have to travel and tour and still able to earn a living. that in itself is actually pretty cool and I suppose with the popularity of electronic music, more and more ghost producing hours are needed giving more and more job possibilities :)

Yes ok, it's possible to produce tracks and still work as a DJ. I did that for a while. But today you still have to do full time social media work. The best thing is to have your own label and do the promotion as well. Nobody (only a few) does that for a long time. Burnout is preprogrammed. You can turn it around as you like. The sentence in former times was everything better may sound worn. It definitely applies to the music industry. So many of my old colleagues had to give up already...
But Blockchain technology also brings new opportunities. I don't want to speak ill of everything. We live in a time of change, not only in the music market.

I think our conversation is great, by the way. I praise us if nobody else does! hihihihihihi

Hey there,
I'm reacting here because I agree of the most of you guys are saying.

I try everyday to publish some stuff, new material, or already released stuff, but always with a story, about the track, the process, etc. Some background. And I love to read the story of a track, how it was done, why, or the story of a musician, thoughts.

So, yes, "original music" is still undervalued, I think.

Before a track, a few minutes music, is released, it's dozens of hours of work. I was writing it a couple of days ago. Recording is the easy part.. but mixing, listening, correcting is the hard part. The one taking of lot and lots of hours of work. Most of listeners probably don't know that.

I'm keeping faith. I just do what I feel to do. And I will try to continue providing good content. Music and words with. Even if most of the time it's a little kind frustating. :0)

I know the feeling, but to be honest, didn't had this feeling of frustration anymore when I left my kinda idealistic views for steemit (and other social media involving some more or less general currency) which are very likely not possible to implement in the real world, and closed my eyes for all the drama and abusers. i started to use the mute button about a year ago, and whoever and whatever gives me a bad feeling, I simply mute. it did me good, and I think i got myself kinda hooked on steemit, even though i never really used any social media actively until i came to steemit a year or two ago. ok, my daily curation with illuminati-inc and qsounds account keeps me focused and gives me kinda good feeling to be able to spread some rewards to those with just a few cents on their posts; a kinda purpose which is always good to have :)

So I have to leave too as I am not skilled enough as well :-)

well, you managed to get to rep 73 by now, so you do something good! :) do please stay! :)

no worries - I will stay, not sure only about the music community stuff

cool! :)

Love trance...awesome artists indeed!

Posted using Partiko Android

I did listen and enjoy the following oldies today:

  • Da Boy Tommy - Candyman
  • Fiocco - Afflitto

And many others. Was giving me the chivers. I am getting old :(

Haha - nice one - we all are getting old each second we are active here or on other chains - glad to see your engagement buddy, much appreciated,

Pryda - The End
Great stuff.. :0) Video too.

Cirez D - Glow (Original Mix) is good too.

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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valid point - thanks useful bot, changed!

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