Political Psychology

The December 5th D-Day (D5) as prophesized by Q (Qanon) has come and the expected disclosures have not taken place. The state funeral of former President George H.W. Bush (George Bush Sr.) has taken place and President Donald Trump had previously declared that December 5th be a day of official mourning. The death of George Bush Sr. was the proverbial trump card that changed the political equation in favor of President Trump. Originally, on December 5th political career bureaucrats such as Loretta Lynch (former Justice Dept. head) and James Comey (former FBI director) were to testify behind closed doors. They were expected to rat out their bosses in the Deep State. James Comey tried to forestall testifying with the faint hope he can wait it out until the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives this January 2019. What changed behind the scenes is the death of George Bush Sr. left a power vacuum that President Trump was able to exploit.

George Bush Sr. was one of the scions of the American Deep State. His sons George, Jeb and Neil are not expected to take their father’s place over the family’s criminal enterprise. They will inherit the wealth and the responsibility of their father’s legacy, but the power structure will revert to Alliance control. This leaves the main rival of the Bush’s, the Rockefeller clan, as the last major rival in the war between the Alliance and the American Deep State. This war is one major step closer to ending in favor of the Alliance with the Rockefellers being the last holdouts. The problem with the Bush syndicate joining forces with the Alliance is their close ties to Nazi Germany which continues to this day. After the fall of the Third Reich during World War II, the Nazis went underground and continued their plans for a Nazi World Order (New World Order). The major elements of the Alliance are not in favor of full disclosure with many favoring to take the place of the Deep State upon conclusion of hostilities. Since full disclosure is what both Americans and the rest of Earth Prime need to rebuild their lives after more than fifty years of Deep State (Cabal) rule this joining of the Nazis with the Alliance is troubling.

Source (God) has curtailed human free will in favor of the spiritual Awakening that has been taking place globally. Armageddon was never part of the Divine plan for the human race. The Nazis repeated attempts to start World War III was met with repeated failure. Their Nazi World Order (New World Order) was not meant to be. A plan was formulated in favor of full disclosure. A group of 2600 individuals were chosen to begin disclosure and bring humanity back to a Source based timeline. All major obstacles to this group have been removed. Their activities will be in direct contrast to both the Alliance and the Deep State. For those elements in the Alliance who favor full disclosure you can direct your energy and resources to aiding this Full Disclosure group. As this group emerges into the public sphere you will than know who they are. Soon this war will end and Reconstruction can begin. For God and Earth.

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