the function of the a great lecture organized by the large aceh deliberation committee in lhokseumawe

in #recitation7 years ago

the function of a great lecture organized by the large aceh deliberation committee in lhokseumawe
The Benefits of Following the Study
recitation in Arabic called At-ta'llimu origin ta'allama word yata'allamu ta'liiman which means learning, understanding of the meaning of recitation or study has its own worship value, present in the study of religion with an Alim or a knowledgeable man is a form of worship that is obligatory for every Muslim.

Purpose of Study
In the study there is a benefit that is so great positive, in the studies of benefits that can his take to add from one of the people who used to do negative by using it to be positive. Things like this in the Muslim community in general can to understood recitation to change themselves or improve themselves from the actions of the heinous and unjust.

Today's teenagers find the lecture unimportant. When faced with an option to attend a study or fairy watching a music concert, most of them will choose the music concert. I myself sometimes do that. Until one day my friend invited me to follow recitation adolescents in the village. The lecture given by the preacher at that time was very interesting about the benefits of following the study. The speaker is very understanding of teenage behavior, to make the teenagers present feel comfortable. And from then on I became diligent in following the study. After the recitation, my friends and I became more familiar. My friends and I now realize that recitation many benefits, for example:
we can get reward
useful science can also be obtained through recitation
more familiar with friends
appreciate the person speaking / lecture
And many others
Therefore, should teenagers today more often follow recitation and listen to lectures. This nation can live in peace, peace, and peace is manifested from our own behavior. Form a good personality for the progress of yourself and this nation.
Understanding Pengajian
Pengajian in Arabic called At-ta'llimu origin ta'allama word yata'allamu ta'liiman which means learning, understanding of the meaning of pengajian or ta'liim has its own worship value, present in learning the science of religion with an Aalim or a knowledgeable man is a form of worship that is obligatory for every Muslim.

Purpose of Study
In the study there is a benefit that is so great positive, in the studies of benefits that can for take the add from one of the people who used to do negative by using it to be positive. Things like this in the Muslim community in general can how to understand to change themselves or improve themselves from the actions of the heinous and unjust its.
In many areas, especially in Java, public studies (later committees prefer to call it Pengajian or Tabligh Akbar) have been a 'menu' fixed in every agenda of the activities of the Muslims. It may be said that there is no Islamic day without recitation. Pengajian is also a core event in every activity of khataman pesantren or madrasah, in warning haul ulama, walimatul 'ursy; khitanan, syukuran pilgrimage, even moving house.

Perhaps, the spirit of recitation is mainly driven by the passion of da'wah which presumably by Muslims is only understood to be limited to such a study. Thus, the speaker or speaker is called dai or mubaligh. From the other side, because the name pengajian, then the fill or lecture was also commonly called kyai.

In addition to matters of dai and mubalighnya, religious teachings or lectures also began to bloom in the big cities are also interesting to observe. May be, aware of the efficacy or and 'mercy' of lectures or majelis taklim, many groups, groups, organizations, parties, even agencies, who use it for their benefit. Often, the interest is far from the interests of da'wah ila Allah or da'wah ila al-lkhair. How many groups, groups, organizations, parties and institutions exist in this country. Imagine, if each has their own assembly, have their own preachers or mubalighs, and have their own interests.

In essence activities Tabligh Akbar is a concept to build communication in the framework of silaturrahmi between fellow parishioners. In terms of giving and sharing of religious knowledge on certain conditions and situations. It means sharing and giving about goodness and truth, so it is not surprising that the activity is filled with religious lectures or tausyah which is commanded by ustaz-ustaz, both local and national ustaz. Thus, Tabligh Akbar is actually an effort to build a unity of people to communicate intellectually, spiritually and socially between each other, so that the purpose of religion and social goals can be realized properly.

Tabligh Akbar is also an effort to build unity and unity of the people both in upholding religious sariah as well as in building social commitment.

Majlis taklim
As we have seen that the majlis taklim consists of two Arabic root words: majlis which means seat, place of siding or council, while ta'lim means teaching. If we combine the two words and interpret them in terms, then we can conclude that the assembly taklim has the meaning of a gathering place for a person to study science (especially religious knowledge) is nonformal (if we see education in this Indonesia).

Assembly taklim already existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW during his first mission at the house Arqom bin Al-Arqom. Now, naming majlis taklim already familiar to us. Assembly Taklim if we see the field, it is non formal, but even so the function of majelis taklim itself is very felt in society. place for study is also much highlighted for his role in developing the Islamic person on the participants. The purpose of the assembly taklim, may formulation vary. Because the founders of the assemblies taklim with environmental organizations, and different congregations, never to given reward goal. Then , in his book "Strategy of Da'wa calling in the Environment Assembly Taklim", formulates the purpose in terms of its function,


i think this is long text but i like its so well language it is good picture bro

this long text but i like its so well language and i think this is long text but i like its so well language it is good picture bro

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