.function of recitaion for mothers of citizen of gampong Alue Raya in Poltek complex conducted by darma woman of Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe every week to savings every month in Ramadhan month

in #recitation6 years ago


The Benefits of Reading the Qur'an in Life

The Qur'an is the last Kallamullah revealed by Allah to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), where the Qur'an is the perfect for the books revealed by Allah (SWT) to His previous prophets and messengers such as Torah, Injil, Zabur, and other books. As in the 3 pillars of faith that is, believe in the books of Allah, Al-qur'an which was revealed to the people of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The Qur'an is a guideline, concept, and rules of life for humans, in the book regulate how the relationship of creatures with their creators such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and so forth. In addition, the Qur'an also regulates the relationship between man and himself, man with other human beings, and the relationship between humans with other created creatures of Allah SWT.

Hence it has become obligatory for every Muslim to learn, understand, and practice the Qur'an, even it is one of the main conditions for those who believe in Allah SWT. (read also: the benefits of faith in Allah SWT)


"And We have sent down unto thee the Qur'an by bringing righteousness, confirming what was before, That is the Books (which were revealed before) and the test of the other Books; So decide what they are after what Allah has sent down and do not follow their lusts by abandoning the truth that has come to you. for every people among you, We give clear rules and paths. "(Surat al-Maidah verse 48).


"Khabbab ibn Al Arat radhiyallahu 'anhu said:" Serve Allah as you can and know that you will never worship Allah with something He loves more than His word "(narrated in the book of Shu'ab Al Iman, by Al Baihaqi)

But many of us are reluctant to simply read and study the contents of the Qur'an for various reasons, such as laziness, no time, or also because it is difficult to read and understand.

Though actually reading the Qur'an is very easy, in addition to it contained instructions from Allah SWT about how to live in the world and in the hereafter.*item

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