How to cook snails for dinner

in #recipes8 years ago

How to cook snails for dinner

Now that you have started reading this article, then everything new in your menu at least not someone else's. Maybe you just wonder if there's not anything new in a long time you know the direction cooking. I do not think this recipe is to bring some innovation, faster paper focuses on the first category of readers.

First, set the item. During edible snails understand a complex kinds of so-called terrestrial gastropods lung. Of these, the most popular of the gastronomic point of view are snails (species of the genus Helix) and giant African snails species of earth Ahatyna (Achatina).

The first widely distributed in a number of European countries, with some permitted artificial cochlea. Second, as is already clear from the title, originating in the African continent, but again due to human activities, they were virtually worldwide distribution, although they live in nature can only in regions with tropical and subtropical climates.

In the food used as species collected in nature and grown in artificial conditions. And the trend shows the increasing preference chefs provide species bred.

Now go to the bottom. No matter how, but you still have gained valuable source material - snails. You should cook meat snail, because it starts with all the recipes. To do this, put the clams in a pan filled with cold water and put on fire when the water starts to boil, boil for three minutes. Then the water is drained and snails extracted from the shells. This process is very simple. With the plug gets out of clam shells. Shellfish should be cooled, otherwise you can not get them. Shells do not throw, obsushit and save them, you need them for cooking other dishes.

You can also paint them in different colors, so you get a nice decoration. Then treat the most shellfish. At the edge of the mouth (sink holes) is the so-called "lip." Naturally nothing to do with our similar structures, this structure has not. Rather, this household name. From a biological point of view "lip" is the edge skinfold (mantle) that rooted to the animal's body, while if the recall-school zoology, formed a kind of lung. So to the point, and all of the mollusk, which is outside of this "lips" should be removed. However, if you know what these molluscs nourished before he got to you, you can not do.

The fact that part that is removed, there is nothing like a snail liver with a loop of intestine. Just in the liver and the accumulation of toxic substances to us that for shellfish in some cases, completely harmless. Although we note that the taste cooked liver valued very original and true gourmets. According to many opinions, liver snail taste and texture reminiscent of cod liver oil. The next step is to remove the initial part of the intestine, especially the extension of the foregut - goiter. Simply cut up the remainder, over and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then you need to get rid of mucus. The most successful option in our view is to put processed snails in brine for 2-3 hours. Then mucus should carefully wash water. Fillet ready.

More can be frozen delicacy received the appropriate times, and you can start cooking any dish. For example we will result one of these recipes to novice gourmets can imagine what awaits them.

Let's start. Fillet, for 15 minutes, boil water, which added to taste salt, vinegar and bay leaf. After cooking broth to dispose of. Simultaneously preparing additional ingredients.

First, in a pan in butter finely chopped onion extinguish, then add a little water, chopped carrots and celery.

Second, prepare the sauce. For this breed in cold water, tomato paste, flour and freshly ground black pepper.

All added to taste. During stewing mix vegetables mixed with sauce.

Finally, the final stage. On top put a mixture of cooked snails, sprinkle of chopped garlic and lemon.

And all this miracle bake at moderate heat for half an hour. Swallow saliva? Then welcome to the gourmet society.


The Frenchman in me says YUMMY !!! :-)

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