--- KETO Recipe - Chili Con Carne (with Hemp Seed Flour) & Cauliflower Rice ---steemCreated with Sketch.

in #recipe5 years ago (edited)


I have been at it again, cooking up a storm and gettin my eats on !!!

This time round its a Chili Con Carne Recipe with a couple of decent health twists added, but to be honest you would hardly tell the difference from the standard Chili Con Carne you may be used to.

Cauliflower Rice is probably the 'closest to real' substitute i have tried while on my semi keto kick journey, as fare as look, texture and taste... good thing cause it brings many foods 'back on the table' that have once been forsaken.

Beans and corn arent really on the keto list, but like i said im semi keto, and give myself a treat from time to time.


500g mince beef
1 onion diced
2 beef stock cubes
1 tin corn (400g)
1 tin kidney beans (400g)
1 tin diced tomato's
1 cup of water
1 tea spoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon oregano
2 tea spoon quinoa seed flour
2 table spoons hemp seed flour
1 head cauliflower ('riced' in food processor on pulse setting)
salt & pepper to taste


- In a large pan/pot Brown beef , garlic and onions.
- Add remaining ingredients (besides cauliflower and flours), mix well.
- Add hemp seed, quinoa seed flour mix well.
- Simmer for 10 min.

- Steam cauliflower (10 min).

All in all very happy with how this meal turned out and is on the regulars list for dinner, will be looking to make some mild adjustments in spices and maybe a dollop of sour cream to give it some fancy pants credibility points, but besides that its pretty good as a basic quick and easy recipe.


I’m definitely trying this one this weekend...
Sounds n looks fantastic 💜💜💜

I could get into this.. Never tried cauliflower rice but my rice/beer belly could do without the rice n noodle staples of se Asia.. I'm going on 2 weeks no beer, mostly due to feeling cruddy but I think I'm gonna keep at it and go on a health kick.. 38 is on the horizon and if I don't get in shape soon it could be too late..

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many spirits are keto ;P make the switch, lol. but its never too late to apply positive changes in your life mate.

if you want it you got it, you just got to believe... believe in yourself...

Nice track! Yeah man you're definitely right.. I got into a shit pattern adjusting to forever summer and the availability of the best cheapest grub on earth haha.. Excuses with the weather I could bust my ass in the AC this moment just being lazy!!

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being fit and healthy all starts with what you fuel your body with, once you crack the code and establish the routine the rest just follows.

We are conditioned to take the easy way out, eat fast food, highly processes foods, foods with many preservatives... its no good for us.

If you haven't already i suggest you look up the time lapse footage from fast food chain burgers

Oh yea I’m fully aware of the garbage game to feed a system of dis-eased and dependent souls.

Yesterday and today was fresh light and healthy and lo and behold I got up off my ass played guitar, danced, did my version of yoga lol and I’m now sipping on apple cider vinegar lemon water instead of the usual afternoon coffee.

It’s all about balance I can handle the bullshit food and chemicals so long as it’s an every once in a while treat not a fuck it I don’t feel like chopping veggies and making a meal habit.

Thanks bro, guess it’s about beer30 over there ? My man flu has given me some inspiration, I need things drilled into me.

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as long as you are being autonomous and true to your congruent self then you rocking it the way should be doing.

We are fortunate enough to be self aware and gravitate towards what we desire, as difficult as it may be at times.

Some people dont even become aware of themselves until their final moments, stating their regrets on their death bed.

its always past 12 somewhere... and its always 420 somewhere, lol

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