Thyme Tea Recipe For Fighting Decongestion

in #recipe7 years ago

Thyme works well for congestion and chest colds. They have expectorant properties. It helps break up mucus and has even been used to assist with conditions such as bronchitis and other respiratory-related illnesses.

Here’s a quick and simple thyme tea recipe

Let me share Thyme Tea Recipe with which I have found at DIY naturals blog. This is good for protection against Decongestion.


  • 1 cup water
  • 2-3 teaspoons organic fresh or dried thyme
  • organic lemon
  • raw honey

How to make the tea

  • Heat your kettle to a boil and add water and thyme in a mug.
  • Cover so volatile oils don’t escape. Steep for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Add fresh squeezed lemon and raw honey to taste. Enjoy better health!

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