Simple and Spicy Guacamole

in #recipe7 years ago (edited)

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I had been waiting for avocados to go on sale for a few months. I was not about to buy each avocado for $2 apiece. So, last week when I saw them at 88 cents apiece, I knew my prayers had been answered. Naturally, I grabbed a bunch. And what do you do when you have excess avocados? Make guacamole, of course.

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This recipe is super simple. And like most of my other recipes, I opted out of using tomatoes. Sorry for all you tomato lovers out there, like my husband. I just can’t make myself jump on to the tomato bandwagon. But, just like all my other recipes, feel free to tweak it to your liking. I still found this recipe equally, if not more, satisfying without tomatoes. The omission of tomatoes prevented the final product from being excessively watery which is a no-no in my guacamole book. It’s filled with onions and pickled jalapenos which are my go-to ingredients for a lot of meals. The hint of red pepper flakes is the “icing on the guacamole” that helps give it that extra kick of spice.

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Don’t forget the lime to prevent browning! It really works and helps with the zesty flavor. For all you guacamole-loving, tomato-hating people out there, this one’s for you. Let me know how you like it in the comments below!

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• 4 avocados
• ½ red onion
• 4 pickled jalapenos
• ½ lime
• ½ tsp garlic salt
• ½ tsp pepper
• 1 tsp red pepper flakes


  1. Cut each avocado in half and remove pit. Scoop out contents with a spoon and place into a large bowl
  2. Mash avocado contents with a fork until it’s to the consistency you like. Try to leave a few larger chunks here and there
  3. Chop up onions with a vegetable chopper or knife
  4. Mix onions with the avocado
  5. Chop up pickled jalapenos into small pieces with a knife
  6. Mix jalapenos with the avocados and onions
  7. Squeeze lime juice over mixture and stir evenly
  8. Add garlic salt, pepper and red pepper flakes. Mix thoroughly.
  9. Serve immediately or store in an air tight container in the fridge.


Follow me here on Steemit @eyesclosedcookin
Find more recipes on my website


one of my favs! something I was glad I found out when my son was little, I was advised to carry an advacado in the diaper bag and fed him advacado instead of baby food all the time an he loved it! I also look for when the prices are down and get excited about ADVACADOS!

Hi @g-gurl84! That's awesome! I have also been advised to feed my daughter avocados as part of her baby food diet. :) You cant go wrong with avocados, love when they're on sale!! c(=

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