Cannabutter (home guide)

in #recepie7 years ago (edited)

Cannabis-Infused Butter (or “Cannabutter”) recipe step by step...

Ingredients: 200g butter, 1 cup water (add more water at any time if needed), 25 grams grounded weed and stems, 10 grams great weed. recepte4.jpg

To make marijuana-infused butter like a pro, heat should be applied to the cannabis first to fully activate the THC, a process known as decarboxylation. To decarb your cannabis, heat oven to 240 degrees. Place the plant material in a single layer on a baking sheet with sides. Bake for 40 minutes, turning the sheet a couple of times to ensure even heating. The cannabis will become dry and crumbly. Now you are ready to add it to your butter or oil.


Add one cup of water and 200g of butter into a stock pot or sauce pan; let the butter melt and begin to simmer on low. Adding water helps to regulate the temperature and prevents the butter from scorching.
As butter begins to melt, add in your ground toasted cannabis
Maintain low heat and let the mixture simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Make sure the mixture never comes to a full boil(never).

While the butter is cooking set up the bowl to hold the finished product. Use a heatproof bowl, some people use a plastic food container. Place a double layer of cheesecloth over the top, and secure it with elastic, string or tape.

Strain the marijuana butter over the bowl, carefully trying not to spill. When the saucepan is empty, undo the twine, pick up the cheesecloth from all four sides and squeeze out all of the remaining butter.


Allow the cannabutter to cool for about an hour. Place in the fridge until the butter has risen to the top layer and is solid. The THC and other properties have attached to the butter, and you are just about there. Leave it at fridge for night.

Run a knife around the edge and lift the butter off. Place upside down on your work surface and scrape off any of the cooking water. Your weed butter is ready to roll. Enjoy!


Note: Dosing homemade edibles can be tricky, so the best way to test for potency is to start with one portion of a serving, wait one to two hours, then make an informed decision on whether to consume more. Always dose carefully and listen to your body, and never drive under the influence of cannabis.


To be honest, best brownies ever :) Just regular brownie recipie , but switch regular butter with cannabutter. It does miracles, and tasty as hell :)

fair enough ! yeah I need to try soon

Mmm lookin really tasty 😉😉😉😇

Looks delicious

I like toast 🍞

Not only look, also taste was the best :)

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