5 Reas0ns Y Celebr! ty M4rr! ages Fa! l... |earn 4rm Th! s

in #reasons6 years ago


Current|y !t seems that ce|ebr!t!es stay!ng marr!ed !s extra newsw0rthy than ce|ebr!t!es gett!ng marr!ed. Even stars that gave the !mpress!0n 0f they had actua| sh0t at stay!ng c0||ect!ve|y. But even as stars aren't c0nstant|y "much |!ke us!" there are c|asses we can |earn fr0m the!r fa!|ed re|at!0nsh!ps.

R!ght here are the p!nnac|e reas0ns m0st ce|eb marr!ages fa!| and the way we w!|| save y0u these err0rs fr0m happen!ng !n 0ur 0wn re|at!0nsh!ps.

  1. |0ss 0f t0gether T!me

pr0duct!0n and t0ur schedu|es take ce|ebr!t!es acr0ss the u . S . And the arena f0r weeks 0n cease. N0 |0nger h!gh|y, th!s can make !t t0ugh f0r them t0 |0cate t!me t0 pr!0r!t!ze the!r re|at!0nsh!p, wh!ch w!|| bec0me an tr0ub|e !n a marr!age.

  1. T00. A wh0|e |0t. Eg0.

!n a partnersh!p, y0u have t0 d0 n0t f0rget y0ur c0mpan!0n's wants and needs further 0n y0ur 0wn. Th!s !sn't a|ways the case w!th ce|ebr!t!es, wh0're used t0 be!ng the fr0nt-and-m!dd|e !n the sp0t|!ght.

  1. !n case y0u d0 n0t gr0w c0||ect!ve|y, y0u may gr0w as!de

c0ns!stent w!th Shuter, 0ne cause superstar re|at!0nsh!ps wreck d0wn !s because the gu!de|!nes a|ternate. He says, "!n marr!age, m0st pe0p|es' |!ves genera||y stay the equa|. That d0es n0t appear t0 ce|ebr!t!es. 0ne m0v!e 0r rep0rt can trade the!r |!ves 0vern!ght.

  1. C0ns!stent 0pp0rtun!t!es

0ther than the fact that ce|ebr!t!es have n0 scarc!ty 0f fans wh0 pr0p0s!t!0n them f0r a very g00d t!me, many ce|ebr!t!es are !nsta||ed a funct!0n where they 0ught t0 make 0ut w!th the!r appea|!ng and capt!vat!ng c0w0rkers as part 0f the!r act!v!ty.

  1. |0ve sh0u|d n0t Be Dramat!c |!ke the f!|ms

What makes a n0tab|e scene !n a f!|m dat!ng (!.E., man g0!ng f0r wa|ks thru the ra!n t0 try t0 get h!s |0ver returned after he wr0nged her) makes f0r an unc0mf0rtab|e scene !n a marr!age. A wh0|es0me marr!age ca||s f0r c0ns!stency, n0t drama.

F0||0w me f0r m0re !nterest!ng and !nf0rmat!ve art!c|es..end.png

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