Reviewing Barcode scanner

in #realityhubs5 years ago

Technology comes in to ease every method. Most of the world techie guys always look for an easy way to get everything done. I sometimes think what the world would have been with no technological advancement. I constantly think about how our forefathers managed to survive in their era. From payment, transportation, cooking, and many things that have changed in our world. I can say I am lucky to come in this era. I still imagine what would happen in 100 years from now. Maybe the generation would be seeing us as people that live in the past, as we do now. Anyway, we live in a world that sees improvement every time and more improvement in many things are yet to come.

All my rants are based on how information is kept beneath randoms codes, which is known as the Barcode. Right now almost all product now has it on. I was just surfing through the play store, and I found one simple app that can be used to scan and create barcodes. The first thing I checked is the size, and I view that it is a lightweight app, with no delay, I downloaded and started trying it. I scanned through every product in my house. My mum was like, hey, what's up with this your attitude of scanning everything''? I just laughed. I have been using it and it has been enjoyable. With no further delay, I will explain the simple features of the Barcode Scanner.

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By launch, there is no need to start thinking of where to click because the app displays a screen with a camera on, asking for a product to scan. The image below explains how it looks like by launch. All you need to do is to get the product you like to scan on the center of the camera. And there are means to search for the product on the internet and to share via email and share view SMS.

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-19 at 19.07.24 (2).jpeg

The other features there is the SHARE.

At first, I thought this feature is just to share scanned product, but it isn't. This feature is used to create Barcode for anything. The user only needs to input the data on the space provided. Then the app will turn the info to a barcode.

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-19 at 19.07.24 (1).jpeg

Then there is a share button which could be used to send the barcode to any link, depending on the available apps on the phone. It is a fun thing. I used my name, and I shared to a friend. He scanned through and depict the information as my name. I see the barcode as a means to move information in a way that not everyone that sees would understand. In fact, if you don't have a scanner you won't be able to understand the information.

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-19 at 19.07.33.jpeg

Other feature there, is the HISTORY. Everyone understand how history works, it stores every process that has happened in the app, so that users could easily trace everything he/she has done on the app.

This is an interesting app. I will keep using it for now. I learned there are better free apps that work better than this one. I will search through if I find a better one. I will navigate to it. But for anyone that needs a fast scanner, this would serve the purpose. Thanks for reading.


Thank you for your contribution @chain-yanker.

Barcode scanners on smartphones are a really nice and elegant solution to product identification, they help ease up the product identification process which is really great.

I love the interface you shared in the picture, I have always been an advocate of simple designs and when I see a properly done one like this I usually don't pass up the chance to comment and drop commendations.

We look forward to your future contributions.

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