You Can Think Positively and Dream all you Want Until your Path Changes Drastically

in #reality7 years ago

I figured I’d get back to blogging for tonight (I may not be back for days again, who knows) since I have some time and some energy. My work load was a little lighter today.

Anyway I know I have given my thoughts on The Secret. You know I don’t think too highly of it because it is not only wrong on so many levels but it can be damaging.

Photo cred: fakebuddhaquotes

Yep. You are taught by this that “What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become”.

I can only agree with this a little because with extreme perseverance and heavy focus you can achieve what you need. Therefore there is some truth to LOA but only in some cases.

I mean there have been instances in my life that have happened only because I worked my ass off and had to even be manipulative at times while I kept my eye on the prize, and it worked. So yeah I suppose that is how the validity of LOA can be supported.

However, I’m sorry. You can also imagine life all you want as far as how you want it to be and sometimes no matter how focused you are on living that kind of life- it just doesn’t happen.

For example, I’m sure that plenty of women who are wanting to get pregnant and have a healthy baby have applied the crap that was taught in The Secret ended up never conceiving due to severe infertility; or had got gotten pregnant and had a miscarriage or worse, a stillbirth; or ended up having a child with profound special needs.

And do you know what makes it worse? Is that the crap taught from The Secret would imply that she did something to attract that along the way.

No!! She did not and it’s time to quit perverting the valid aspects of LOA. Sometimes shit happens due to chaos, and no one is ever to blame for having something horrific happening to them. This is why I hate The Secret, and I hate the “gurus” who preach it even more.

You can hope for the best, and do what you can on your part to go after what you want or need. But be prepared that sometimes shit happens which could lead you into a different path. Perhaps a path you don’t like either. 😐


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You can hope for the best, and do what you can on your part to go after what you want or need. But be prepared that sometimes shit happens which could lead you into a different path. Perhaps a path you don’t like either

Or, as I have been known to say, always be prepared for the worst case scenario then you won't be disappointed!

I agree with that too

That is my motto!

You nailed it. The LOA (not to be mistaken for LMAO) dictates the rape, incest, suicide, murder, etc... all happen because the people whom they happen to wished for it. LOA is actually based in ancient magical beliefs. It is nothing new.

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