Scam Alert. Why do you pay for electricity, water and gas?

in #reality7 years ago (edited)

It is a common convention for everybody to pay for fuels such as electricity, water and gas, but nobody can explain why they actually pay.

Now it could just be the sheep thing, as the majority of folk today are mere followers. But it could also be a fear related thing, fear of people coming to knock on your door.

The way i and many others see it is basically, the gas comes out of the ground for free, and our parents and grandparents funded the installation of the infrastructure that delivers said gas via taxation. So it has already been paid for, why do you still pay???

The electricity is even better, you see our own generations taxes funded the installation of solar panels on the roofs of many many houses across Britain, which all feed power into the grid. Granted somebody is making money off the solar panels, but it is not the households who have the solar panels.

The house holders get the solar panels fitted for free (from our taxes) then the installer claims the feed in tarriff for his wage for the installation, they get paid approx 4p per KWH of electricity that has been fed into the grid, when the grid charge approx 17p per KWH, so the energy companies are profiting 75% from solar, not too mention the savings from not running the coal fired plants.

But it gets worse, you see these new soo called smart meters are as dumb as pig shit, intentionally of course. They only count the energy going through the meter, in either direction, so if you are like me and have a pre paid electricity meter, you can not feed your generated power back in to the grid, unless you pay them to accept it at the 17p per KWH, madness ehh.

Now this brings me onto water, you know that stuff that falls from the sky. It is currently illegal to cut off a water supply, so why should i pay for something, that falls from the sky? The way i see it is if they are stupid enough to collect it, clean it and pipe it to me, then i will use what i need to use and i will not pay for it. If it was legal to cut me off, i would allow them to cut me off, as i will not pay for something that falls from the sky...

Of course i realise this is contributing to the price rise of all fuels, but what else can we do, we can not, and should not be forced to pay for things that come for free. It is all a massive con, keeping idiots as unrecognised slaves, and they actually believe they are better than those who choose not to work, because they "contribute" yeah they contribute to the enslavement of humanity, not the betterment of it, they are only serving themselves in the name of a wage...

Silly silly wage slaves, need i continue???


goverment give sellery from this pay to his servants

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