Crowdfunding, beyond the real estatesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #realestate7 years ago

The term real estate is a drag. What relates to him, at first, does not inspire sympathy. Bad fame, they say. In one of its meanings the RAE defines fame as "opinion that people have of something". And the opinion that people have about the real estate sector is not good in general.   

But something is not good or bad in itself but it is depending on the use we give, even a market. In the real estate also went a step further, from misuse to abuse. It was speculated and became dirty, when a priori, is healthy. If we go to the RAE again, it defines us to speculate as: "Commercial operation that is practiced with goods, securities or goods, so that they are bought at low prices and remain unproduced waiting for it to rise to sell them." Its definition more pejorative without doubt, attributed to the real estate.   

On the other hand people do have a very good opinion of crowdfunding. It inspires sympathy, has good reputation and is generally recognized as a good thing. So the question that we can ask is: Will it have enough power to the value that society grants to crowdfunding so that associated with real estate see the latter with other (good) eyes ?.   

This is the challenge facing the agents who practice real estate crowdfunding, beyond the business. Real estate does not need presentation, we all know it, not crowdfunding so many. That is why platforms as a means of bringing the public this new and revolutionary way of investing in real estate have a triple task. The first is not disappoint those who already love crowdfunding. The second, reach the heart of those who do not know and do it through the real estate to love it, like the first. And finally, the two making them change the concept of a market in which it is possible to do things differently.   

A true crowdfunder belongs to a tribe that supports people and projects because it believes in them, with no more reward than waiting for the triumph of what they have supported to feel their share of it. When they arrive at a real estate project, moreover, they look for a return to their investment of course. They know that crowdfunding's collective intelligence is an effective method of allocating savings, our money, to investment. They also know that they will neither become rich nor ruin if they properly diversify their portfolio. But they also know that beyond a screen in which with a few clicks of mouse are already invested, that their money goes to the real and productive economy. His investment feeds a series of resources ranging from the technician who wrote the minor project to the painter who gives the last hand on the walls of the house. That house that immediately is put up for rent or for sale and that will make possible the economic return of your money. But that comes later, before has already obtained a social return. They belong to the tribe.   

Therefore, platforms as agents that make real estate crowdfunding possible have the obligation to unify that tribe of crowdfunders with reasons beyond strictly financial or economic returns to their investments. Fidelising those who arrive drenched in the culture of crowdfunding and evangelizing those who do without knowing yet what it is. To be a member of the tribe is to feel part of something that is shared because it has in common. Two real estate crowdfunders that surely are not known have the same sensations, when they walk by the “Ramblas” of Catalonia or by the “Gran Vía” of Madrid and at a certain moment they stop looking up towards "their house", proud of themselves. But they do it for emotions rather than reasons, I repeat, even economic ones.   

And if anyone still has doubts and believes that crowdfunding also speculates with real estate to return to the RAE and read that specular also means transparent, diaphanous. The meaning we all love crowdfunding we give when we associate it with real estate. In this way we can say that crowdfunding is speculative with the real estate, without doubting its true meaning.  


Why this post has got the spanish tag?

Because although it is written in English it speaks of crowdfunding real estate in Spain. Also I'm new here, I do not know if I put the tags correctly

Se coloca "spanish" cuando el texto del post está en español. Si hablas de "España" en todo caso, puedes poner el tag: "spain" :)

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