Friends this is real, This happened to me in the plain of Venezuela. They are secrets that the world hides

in #real5 years ago

This is a true story Friends I hope it never happens to anyone .....

I went to a field with a friend, We were planting vegetable vegetables and we had many weeks in the field and one day a young man from the nearest town came to go out of the house. Well, as we left the two of us huddled when the sun was hidden in the course of hours walking and we still had not married anything, they were about 1 in the morning and we lay on a dry straw and talking that we still have not married anything yet and we looked at the sky and saw small lights as moving stars and curiosity made us see them more and more and that we would light it with the lamp several times that in time we entrusted ourselves with lighting that little thing that looked in the sky like a star started to descend very fast and lit in fire, we got up from the ground and we continued to shine the small light that came each time zoom-twelve more and more down than when in a matter of seconds it became the size of a full moon above us We already had it in the chasm, we ran inside the mountain, and in the great light it was down lighting everything as if the sun were coming out. I really felt very scared and ran to the mountain without lanterns and let the rifle also and that thing after us my friend already running on the road I never saw his course and I kept running the great light stopped I was relieved a bit I asked myself where my partner will be I thought that I had taken another course I kept running and so many hours running dawned the light disappeared I asked for help, and after a couple of days my partner did not appear yet we made a search group and went looking for it for two weeks we never found it turns out that this great light that still descended on fire is still led, the people of the village call Tarraya that can be beings from another world I hope that when they are in a field never think of lighting those little lights that move the sky that look like stars

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