Non-Steemit Reading Log, 11 July 2018: science, immigration, and society

in #readinglog6 years ago

So I have a habit of opening articles I want to read in a new tab, so that my flow on Facebook/Twitter/Steemit is not interrupted, and then going back to read later when I'm in a reading mood and not a socializing mood. This of course means I have a billion open tabs all the time, kinda like my "to be read" or "in progress" piles of books, both digital and physical...

Anyway, eventually I go on a bit of an article reading bender to clear that up a bit, and I just did that tonight. These aren't all the articles I read, just the ones I found really share-worthy, and I still only cleared probably half my open tabs (but my eyes already feel strained from screen reading). Eh heh heh ...I have issues.

So this post is partly inspired by @effofex's reading log posts, except they aren't Steemit articles. But I figure I'm sharing them on other social media, and this is social media, so we can share, right? It isn't a Parley or dlike post, but a big list of articles I found interesting and thought others might, too, so I'm not clogging your feed with each individual post.

Environment & Science!

you must always shout science! like a mad steampunk scientist, it's a rule

Just world hypothesis - if people feel helpless to change a situation, they often justify it in their head in order to align with their world view that "things happen for a reason" or "the world is fair/they're in control of their lives" and this leads to victim blaming and other shitty behavior.

THIS ONE IS SUPER IMPORTANT. Increased CO2 = nutrient decreases, sugar increases in plants; less nutrition for humans, animals ...and possible reason for bee decline!!

Okay, not an article but a video about how ballooning spiders use electricity to fly. Do not watch if images of spiders set off your arachnophobia.

We're using more cardboard because of e-commerce, but recycling less.


How to abolish ICE

How US interference is in large part responsible for the current exodus from Honduras; article from 2016, still relevant

Just refugee laws are already on the books in the US and are part of a UN treaty since the 60s; the US is breaking its own laws AND a treaty


Why the rich love Burning Man

Vague platitudes about "getting help" when speaking of mental illness/depression/suicide when help is unavailable is just salt in the wound

So there you go, eight articles and one video that I thought were informative and interesting. What new things have you been learning about lately?

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Wow! Another person that likes to read! I love to read! Anything and everything. I really wish I had the time to do more...

So much to read, so little time!

So this post is partly inspired by @effofex's reading log posts, except they aren't Steemit articles.

I'm deeply gratified to have had a hand in inspiring a post like this!

But I figure I'm sharing them on other social media, and this is social media, so we can share, right?

For what it's worth, you have my go-ahead on that ;)

I like it your post

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