Do You Ever Wonder That Your Posts Might not Read by Anyone?

in #reading7 years ago


Everytime you post or write something, do you ever come up with that quetion? If you do, you must have been wondering this whole time. Of course we expect many readers would read our post or writing. Although there are many likes or upvote in one of our post, we still don't know whether they read it or not.

While I'm writing this one, I still think about "is there anyone who wants to read this?
But I don't really care though. I just want to write. But sometimes, whenever I post something cool or something I like, I really do expect many readers would want to read mine.

We can figure this out actually, yes the comment section. Only likes or upvotes are somehow not good enough to prove that our post are read by anyone or not. So the comment is a big prove, a big evidence. But still depend on what comment that come up to your post. Mostly, you've received comments from the contest you're in, the steemit award, etc.

Look at the different comment, from real user. The user can be people nearby, or maybe far away from your location. If they comment like they want to have a conversation about the post, that means they read your post or writing. Simple as that. Other users mostly just give us praise by commenting on our post, wow amazing post, great post, nice one.

While we expect many readers, we should probably interact to others too, read their post, comment it, praise them, criticise, or whatever it is. Just don't swear. Be nice, reading is fun and important.


Keep writing and posting no matter what. Aku sempat gk semangat untuk nulis di sini, tapi kemudian sadar memang butuh proses, usaha dan sabar untuk bisa dpt upvote bejibun macam yg lain. Hitung-hitung bagus juga untuk nambah vocab dan latihan nulis enggres sambil jagain anak, syukur alhamdulillah kalau ada yg sudi baca, upvote dan komen. hahaa
BTW, I love reading your post. Salam kenal ya @teukudianaulia :)

hahaha, thank you mbak.. Aku jadiin nulis sebagai hobi. bahasa inggris aku kurang grammarnya haha. salam kenal juga mbak @inahas

Bahasa inggrisku, Hancor man! Pedenya ya di steemit aja 😂

haha baru tau bisa pake emoji disini 😂. yang pnting keep on the good work mbak, break a leg.

Bisa dong kan? Kecuali masih pake Hp poliponik, lah gmn nge-steemit lol

😂 iya bisa mbak. break a leg mksdnya semoga sukses mbak haha

nice writing skills u have

nah man, I'm trying too hard. but thanks though.

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