Video games - a way to motivate yourself to read more

in #reading6 years ago


If you're the type of person that goes to watch a movie and then leaves feeling like you're just as badass as the hero, just as smart as the protagonist or just as brave as any of the characters in the movie, then playing some video games can actually motivate you to read more.

I personally am the type of person that gets motivated whenever I see people I admire, and that's why I love watching movies like A Beautiful Mind or The Pursuit of Happyness. Those movies motivate me to do more and make more progress, and whenever I watch them, no matter how bored or tired I am, I start working on something with a lot of energy and dedication.

But this happens as well whenever I play games that feature a smart or hardworking character. For example, a few days ago I got The Elder Scrolls Online, just to try it, since it was free for a week, and while I didn't really love the game all that much, one single character that was reading something was enough to get me in the mood to do the same.

I guess there's no surprise if I tell you that right before this article I stood in bed for like 45 minutes and I just read a few articles on Medium.

Anything can motivate you, and video games are no exception. It's all a matter of finding a game that features the type of character or situation that can do that for you. Even Civilisation 5 motivated me many times to be productive when I was looking at how well my empire was being developed.

So, if you're the type of person that plays a lot of games, but wants to be productive as well, one thing you can do is to try to find those games that will motivate you to do more, to learn more or to just develop as a person.

For me, games like Hitman motivate me to be a lot more disciplined, while games like The Witcher 3 or Oblivion or even Assassin's Creed make me want to read and learn a lot more things.

If you never thought about this before, then maybe try to find games that could motivate you to do something. Playing with a character you really admire or just finding someone in a game that makes everything look cool can be a great way to get inspired to be just like the character you admire.

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