RE: Apple vs. Google - Closed Versus Open Systems - Book Club #19: "Steve Jobs"
Not many people realize that apple took a version of unix and made it the mac os. apple has done this for a long time. they take open source seeds and make it their own and dont contribute back to the community. Of late this has changed a little bit but that is a result of developer pressure
there are no statistics out there but after digging into an iphone a little, i have come to the conclusion that they are using open source libraries and tools that almost make up 80% of the distribution.
as good as apple products are, the reality is that open source systems are going to rule the consumer because of device interoperability issues and increasing exposure to the internet of things.
the innovation required to keep up with a fast and fluid market means that it requires millions of developers across the world to test and fix code. a siloed approach will not work
if today there is a feeling that any developer can build anything because of open source frameworks and tools. the more they build, the more the openness of the system will prevail.
i think we are on an unstoppable open systems run. enterprises today are being consumed by open source software. consumers are already there. i see IoT as an avalanche of devices that will demand open ended systems