Read Better!

in #read7 years ago


Formal reading instruction ceased for most of us in the elementary school. Through the upper grades, in high school, in college and on through life the world has assumed that we know how to read.

The start and awful truth are that most of us read slowly, laboriously and inefficiently.Few people have had the training necessary to make them masters of the skill of reading. Generally, we crawl along at a rate of hundred to two hundred words a minute, and remember only about sixty percent of everything that we have read! check yourself against this specification for the first-rate reader.


Settle clearly in the mind the purpose of your reading.Is it that you want merely a rapid, general impression and a surface view of the text? In that case, you will skim through it or do you wish to read more carefully, noting the facts and specific details in order to recall them accurately later? If so, you will read rapidly with attention later? If so, you will read rapidly with attention to details. Perhaps you may wish to understand clearly the more complex organization of the through, to be aware of every shade and nuance of reasoning, weighing fact, against fact, and to form an opinion.

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The newspaper may be entirely proper at breakfast time, but assuredly, It is not for reading all day, so through bound up in volume, the long letters which give you so pleasant an account of the inns and roads. and weather last year at such a place or which tells you that amusing story or gives you the real circumstances of such and such events, however valuable for occasional reference, may not be, in the real sense of the word , a book at all nor in the real sense, to be 'read'.

Image source: Google


wow nice article ... good

I remember less than 40

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