Ray Steding's Summer Vacation - 2003

in #ray-steding7 years ago (edited)

My parents died last year and as odd of a family that we seemed to be to each other the experience of that strange thing called love reveals itself, whatever it is, in this video. It is a video of my trip from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh by jet, the stay at my parent's place in Cranberry Township (25 miles North of Pittsburgh), and my drive back to Los Angeles. It is a very strange but beautiful video for me to watch.

The reference at the end to a story about trucks refers to a convoy of hundreds of 18 wheelers that I happened to be just in front of as they made their way down the mountains from Needles into Barstow. The front lead truck was the largest and light up like a Christmas tree. It and the rest of them behind kept closing in on me until my little Toyota Corolla hit about 95 MPH. I had been driving for about 29 hours straight at the time and it was about 2:30 AM. I was scared to death and slowed down until I was in the middle of a solid stream of giant trucks that I judged by looking out my review mirror to go on for miles. Apparently, the drivers rest until very early morning to begin their haul into Los Angeles and Los Vegas. I had to pull off at the first exit that I could for fear of being run over.

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