RATS in car!!!

in #rats7 years ago (edited)


They've been nesting on my engine block, so every morning my 2017 BRZ engine and turbo is covered in rat fecal matter and urine.

The cabin smelled like rat piss when the engine heated up.

After doing some research on "non toxic" repellents, I bought some peppermint oil and applied it to the engine.

Now my car smells of urine AND peppermint oil :(.

So I bought some rat bait, and placed it under my wheels rather than in the engine bay.

The buggers took the bait, carried it into my engine bay and turned it into a fine powder that covers everything.

Now my car smells like peppermint urine rat poison. I haven't died yet, but it's early days.

I've just disinfected and washed my engine bay... hopefully they F off now.... not a fun time.

In 20 years of having a car, this has never happened to me.

Now I'm prepared!

Baited chumps

Come at me rodents!

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