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RE: How to set up a curation bot on raspberry pi

in #raspberry7 years ago

I have an issue. The BroadcastingError will no import.
Not sure what the problem is. I did this with the latest version of steem-piston. Could be that's broken now in the latest version.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in module
from steem.steem import BroadcastingError
ImportError: cannot import name 'BroadcastingError'


instead of installing steem-piston, you may try to install python-steem with the following command:

pip3 install steem==0.3.1

I found that the 0.4 version of steem-piston broke all of my scripts, now I download version 0.3.1 of python steem. That does the job for me.

do you suggest uninstalling steem-piston?

hrmm..... had to uninstall the version I had of steem to get it to work.
pip3 uninstall steem=0.4.3

i think It's working noow

Glad you got it working!
I was going to suggest installing steem to a clean operating system with the prerequisites installed. Bot on!

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