The Jew-Nazi Agenda could be paid for by stolen oil and drug money

in #rape11 months ago

Those Jewish rant about genocide
It is true

Before the genocide of the Jewish people

There was a genocide done against my people as well in Armenia and Turkey

Our people rant about genocide

But why rant instead of getting closure?
Well its simple, ever been to Iran?

They have one of the world’s largest oil reserves, they have been welling oils from this tap for more than 1,000 years.

In fact back in old times wealthy traders would send their daughters to be wed to wealthy traders in these areas to promote and ensure peaceful connections with them they would house them next to the oil fields because they had readily available oil to light thier lamps.

The lamps gave light in the night and protected from thieves

These wells have been oiled for generations

Thousands of years for oil to light lamps with.

My family has such fields nearby as well.
There is fierce fighting over this wealth.

When one field runs dry they draw from another. It’s like sticking a second straw into the same soda 🥤

Destabilizing the middle east.

We all heard that.

But what does it mean?

Well when you fuel almost half the cars on the planet

That’s a lot of cheddar. With that much cheese you need to protect it. Weapons, if you want to talk about a crime. And the criminal makes a billion dollars a day from it. They might kill you for exposing them….

And when thier field runs dry they rob us…

They rape our kids for future kids it’s called sodomy.

Ever read the Bible. About the city of sadam and ghamora?

Well these are real cities with real people.

These genocides…. They protect oil interests.

When one of us has a child they get to share our oil fields wealth. But if the kid gets sent to rehab and the doctors claim he crazy as soon as he turn 18…. Kiss that inheritance goodbye.

My father was killed as son I was to receive mine at around that age…

They share with us false information on television to have us sent elsewhere raped for kids, robbed and killed to cover evidences. Lies like let the government protect you. Lies like go get medical evaluations. These are all lies.


They put massive killing machines near these oil fields. And kill anyone going near them.

They draw oil, some of it stolen from our lands. By raping us…

Now the gold standard is the oil standard but instead of oil they issue credit as currency. Ever wonder what backs credit? And why Saudi Arabia owns every credit company?

Drawing oil to pay the credit debt in the future. But it’s not their oil………..
It’s mine’.’….

The Jewish who mated with the Nazis after the Germanic wars in WW2 probably spread their reach into Asia using the oils drawn here. Ever heard of British occupation of India? Those British been mating with those Jewish for a long long time….

Even IIndia reports that the British have raped their wealth very aggressively.

They use those ships to deny foods.
They use force to control oils and even water. If you park a killing machine near a resource station like water. Now you can charge a water bill. If they don’t pay….. kick them out! If they don’t have water how could they walk or even fight back?
It’s happening everywhere….

They control the natural water supply and sell the oils and waters while denying foods.

It leaves the residents to starve. They can even deny water and oil until you give them what they want. Iran contra.

Have you ever tried to avoid paying your light bill? You get the boot!

They dominate the nation by constantly charging money for the resources they control which can be collected in centralized hubs using killing machines like tanks. Or state utility vehicles 🚗

Deny water and food and even shelter and people begin to submit. Isn’t it?

By controlling the banks by using these tactics and laws in conjunction with legal agreements after they hire police. They can control the people by keeping them poor, hungry, and desperate.

Every wondered why no one’s mentioned this before?

Because they will strike to have you killed.
If you can’t strike back. You can’t talk back! ‼️ BANG!!
A strike, can be one or more blows.
Striking to have someone killed….

That’s repeated strikes until you lose consciousness and begin to stop breathing.

Ever see those clips of police brutality?
Ever wonder if a 12 year old Iraqi or Saudi boy joy sticking his militarized police man? Ever seen robocop?

With all that stolen oil you can run 1,000,000 cash negative businesses.
Pay for them with your interest payments from all those slaves. Millions of them…

If they can’t strike to you have you killed.
They bully you, torture you, and claim your mind is not sound. By defaming your character.

Offering you drugs to curb the emotional and physical pain you experiencing and turn you into a debt slave…

Got Oil 🛢️
If you do you can build a gold palace and begin to strike to kill anyone going near
Ever been to Saudi Arabia?

Got oil fields.
You can be raped or killed for oiling rights. Ever been to Iran?

Got genocide your entire group can be killed off to cover these crimes so the criminals can keep getting rich on someone else’s land.

After those mental hospitals claim you are crazier than most.

You rights, territory, and wealth get stripped using legal agreements and false testimony from cops and “doctors”….

If that doesn’t work they beat and torture you. Like in South America. And beat you down to turn you into a drug slave.

Now you are gang member.
Your tattoos identify to you king or abusers which tribe you belong to. And what sort of slave you are.

Now you are being raped to deny future children. After all. You could pass that land to future kids. And all that wealth.

In the form of oil is in that land.
How about the rights to water.
Or gold?

Or trade using mobile transportation in those lands.

Got milk?
It’s free. Relatively

If you are getting raped for oil.
Millions of people are….
Aether in jail or mental hospitals

And they stop giving you milk 🥛

They are getting ready to kill you.
Why. So you can pass the rights to your kids and the abuser has your wealth.

Now you can say they are destabilizing the Middle East.

Now you are poor. Looking for work and being blocked by your bank.

As soon as your bank identifies your name, and you a victim of this genocide.
They block your assets, and even your ability to go to school.

They give you no choice but to peddle drugs….

Arrest you. Send you to be cured. And force you under duress to sign agreements giving away your property and rights and wealth….

This is America

Well in Saudi Arabia. There is a machine. That sucks oil from turkey and Armenia and it counts it all up. And uses it as money. They give it out in the form of credit. Using banks and legal documents.

Can I have a full tank of gas today for a tank and a half tomorrow?

The sons of sodom and Gamorah did the same thing in Venezuela

Welcome to budget crisis in America!
Freedom as long as you have a job and work to earn credit to buy what you need from foreign suppliers of oil who all hate Christian’s and our values

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