The problem with "Nobody ever lies about rape."

in #rape11 months ago


In 2021, Trevor Bauer had won the Cy Young award. His net worth was $51 million. He had just signed a contract worth north of $100 million with the Dodgers.

Shortly after, Lindsey Hill claimed that Bauer raped her, not once, but twice at his home.

Her claims weren't that they had miscommunications in bed. She claimed that he anally penetrated her against her will until he was bleeding and could barely walk. She then claimed that she returned to his home for some inconspicuous reason, and that Bauer raped her again, and beat her.

Her claims were a little weird to begin with.

Why would you get raped at a man's home and go back for seconds?

Now, post lawsuits, we know for a fact that Hill was lying in order to extort money from Bauer.

They did have sex.

Hill even took a video of herself in bed next to Bauer while he was asleep. That video was taken the day that she alleged that Bauer beat her face up. She was smirking.

She texted a friend before the first encounter referring to Bauer as her "next victim." That seems to imply that she's done this before.

The texts also show that she was aware of his net worth, and she was after his money.

The two parties recently settled a lawsuit.

She's still getting some money out of this despite the fact that she blatantly lied and derailed an innocent man's career -- Bauer hasn't thrown a pitch in MLB since the accusations arose.

The worst thing that you can imagine being done to you is also the worst thing that you can be falsely accused of doing to someone else.

Bauer seems to be satisfied to simply have the evidence out there to clear his name.

That's admirable to an extent; but, I think that it's rather naïve.

Bauer is already fairly wealthy; but, he should get everything that Hill is worth and buy an ivory back-scratcher to spite her. Hill should be facing prison time.

What would Bauer be facing in regard to prison time for two brutal rapes? Well, since LA county has a Soros-backed DA, and Bauer is white, it'd probably be North of forty years. That seems adequate.

Only, she's never gonna face any time in prison, because "Nobody ever lies about rape."

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