Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

in #rape7 years ago (edited)

If you think this has anything to do with social justice you are pretty much the problem... don't get me wrong if this guy is found guilty of sexual harassment or rape he should be punished to the full extent of the law. But sll we have right now is accusations and that is a very serious problem which in England they approached in the right way by withholding all names until there is a verdict of guilty or innocent.

I love how everyone wants to just assume at these were all innocent women who happen to find themselves in his hotel room and looking at a long acting career in Hollywood. To me this sounds more like soft prostitution than it does sexual harassment.

No the fact that most people are promoting public trials, and the destruction of men's lives based on accusations alone, is reason enough to deport these idiots to the closest fascist state. They don't care how justice works, all they know is that a woman cries and all they want to do is ruin men's lives without reason getting in the way.

I think the only real predators in these scenarios where women use their sexuality to get promotions in the movie industry... I mean really almost all of them end up in his hotel under their own agency.... The only thing these accounts seem to suggest is that there was a lot of hypergamous women trying to get a kick-start on their career. Are you kidding me almost all of these women acted as though they had no agency or responsibility themselves... I don't know about you but going to someone's house that is known for being sexually aggressive in exchange for access to Hollywood sounds like something a prostitute would do not some innocent woman doesn't have an idea of what's going on or who is scared and intimidated... I mean really all of these women are saying that they were intimidated but yet they show up at his apartment or his house. Get out of here that's what prostitutes do...

I think the best outcome is that this publication gets sued out of existence.... the way the law is supposed to work is that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Real crime may be more perverse than people assume. I believe these men's lives are being destroyed on mere accusations and that seems pretty much the case.

No person should be put away or affected until they are proven guilty in a court of law not in the media and not based on accusation...

Funny how everyone just assumes that this lady is not some psychopath.... I believe American society is sexist against men's basic rights.

The best outcome is if this author gets caught up in a wave of counter suits by innocent men who were publicly destroyed by irresponsible reporting.

Most Women are truely a liability... the best outcome from these witch hunts is a general awareness of men's basic rights: like the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty... that or actually be fair and arrest all these women under the suspicion of being a prostitute.
You don't even know the context of that audio, how stupid are these SJWs. ..

The problem is they have already destroyed him, and they are just accusations.. supporting this so far is an injustice to all innocent people. The New Yorker is very irresponsible for making this video....

I am more than open to having a video debate with anyone on this topic or even a discussion.

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