Adsactly Records Rap Challenge Week 15 Entry - Willy G

Were on a planet, circling a star
within an infinite universe, that thought goes far
cuz there may be an infinite number of these universes
only you see a small sliver as you observe it

in each one of these parallel worlds, if you can fathom
anything , that could ever possibly happen
will happen, every possibility you could imagine
will happen in one of these worlds, some where my albums

gone multi-platinum and Ive been killed in a fatal stabbin
dying, grabbing my chest laughing like how could this happen
some where, out there, even the laws of physics
have been changed, warped, twisted somewhere theyre non existant

some where people can fly, were all geniuses hi,
magic is real and people live forever and never die
somewhere, youre in absolute paradise like the afterlife,
somewhere your in eternal hell being human sacrificed

I sound like I need to be locked up in the mental hospital
but if this theorys true, nothings truly impossible
im deep in thought, getting lost in amazement
we can all catch a glimpse of these worlds with imagination

Willy G

Willy G Music


Yea dude I think you got a solid entry there.

haah thanks dude, thought id go for some thought provoking shit for a change

Nice you mam

yes bado, thanks for the feedback. lol i dont understand

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