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RE: @Rondonson's Rap Challenge # 18: My Entry - "Mastermind" Part 3 (Original Song)

True that, fake mc's now making money on people who don't know what rap is or even try to understand deeper meaning of lyrics, for us who write our own we can recognize each other skill and will to make it happen. These 2 are very tupac theme IMO, altought btc one is better for my taste bro, keep it up I really enjoy real rap, F**K TRAP and autotune! :D


Yeah I'm not for trap but I have used auto tune a few times but nothing too heavy, I prefer natural voice singing better. Thank you very much for checking them out, glad you enjoyed the Bitcoin one.

I don't mind autotune here and there, but when I hear a whole album and every word autotuned... I don't care how skilled the artist is.. I enjoyed both of them but btc is my fav of them 2 :)

Lol I completely agree with you bro. Yes btc is king of course but Steem shall have its day of glory in 2018 alongside with other sleeping giants :) I’m readyyyyy

We all await steem's moment day of glory, when we can all finally be financially free and just focus on steem :D

Yes exactly and we won’t have to wait long. Even by the end of next year I see the price of Steem blowing upward. It is better to invest and accumulate Steem now while it is still relatively cheap. You saw what happened with SBD literally overnight lol

Yeah, tbh I really wish I didn't have financial difficulties so I could just hoard steem power with sbd I get, but eh.. you know life... :)

dont worry man, you will figure out how to maintain a balance soon. stay positive and steem on, i definitely know what you mean though

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