
WTF why do u have mercury fillings in ur teeth?? yeah in Ecuador my friend had to go take those out... i never had fillings only had my dentist once put some sort of resin in there but yeah its incredible how they have dentists poisoning people. very sad and its true, when i was in Ecuador my friend had an Ecuadorian dentist take out all those terrible mercury fillings

i hate when i tell people that our American and Western vaccines are bad and they fucking act like im saying Vaccination itself is bad.......Totally ignoring the THIMEROSAL which is mercury... which is in vaccines ... The fucking molecule is PART mercury

Thiomersal, or thimerosal, is an organomercury compound. This compound is a well established antiseptic and antifungal agent. The pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and Company gave thiomersal the trade name Merthiolate. Wikipedia
Formula: C9H9HgNaO2S
Molar mass: 404.81 g/mol
IUPAC ID: Ethyl(2-mercaptobenzoato-(2-)-O,S) mercurate(1-) sodium

See right there ..... Ethyl MERCAptobenzoato MERCURATE

LD50 (median dose): 75 mg/kg (oral, rat)
Soluble in: Water
EU classification (DSD) (outdated): Very toxic (T+); Dangerous for the environment (N); Repr. Cat. 1

VERY TOXIC DANGEROUS for the ENVIRONMENT yeah and humans...

so sad how blind people are ESPECIALLY the ones who have been THROUGH the university science system that is RUN by pharmaceutical and biotech companies that may have once been great companies but are now feeding on their own customers and its disgusting we could do so much more when we dont limit people

the reason someone would wanna poison a LOT of people ... to anyone who doesnt beleve that, is because of Eugenics.. its a Eugenics operation and its about depopulation....

Exactly. I never knew there was mercury in fillings til a few months ago & it instantly made sense with my random symptoms. They thought I had multiple sclerosis lol. Had a hair test and I'm full of mercury. The thing with mercury and heavy metals is some people have genes that make it near impossible for them to detox heavy metals, which is why vaccines with mercury in are a terrible idea. That's why we see some people are fine with a heavy load of heavy metals because they have a better detox system than others. The other people store heavy metals, which leads to disease & disorders, which leads to either death or a lot of money being made...

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