A Judge's Analysis of the Rap Challenge Week #6

in #rapchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Being a judge since the first weeks of the Rap Challenge, I have seen how amazing this challenge brings together the Steemit music community. I feel so appreciative of @rondonson for creating this vehicle for positive change.


If you don't know, the Rap Challenge is hosted by @rondonson , supported by @decentralized , and has a weekly prize pool distributed to the top five (5) artists each week. This week even had a bonus prize of doing a song with @rondonson and Pace Won of the Outsidaz. These artists choose one of three instrumentals and post a video with their best rhymes.

The panel of judges consisting of @rondonson , @jphenderson , and @chiefmappster score each contestant on three categories: (1) flow, (2) lyrics, and (3) delivery/energy.

The panel uses a spreadsheet to help streamline the judging process and allows us to clearly see the winners. However, I have also noticed this spreadsheet can also be used to help identify areas of strength and/or weaknesses for artists.

As a result, today's post will be the second in a series of in-depth analysis of how I judged the Rap Challenge.

My main goal is to bring as much value as possible to the artist here on Steemit by providing unbiased, critical feedback. In my experience with helping artists, I have learned sometimes being too close to an artist can skew your critique of that artist.

Also, if you are a beatmaker, producer, or know any producers, help us spread the awareness for the Beat Battle League starting next week. For more information go here: https://steemit.com/music/@chiefmappster/it-s-a-go-beat-battle-league-starts-next-week

Here is my comprehensive analysis of this week's Rap Challenge contestants. Artists are judged from 1-5 on each category with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.


ARTIST #1: @enginewitty

@enginewitty brings an out of this world entry to the Rap Challenge this week. Had him judged as the following: Flow: 4.5, Lyrics: 4.0, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for an average of 4.33.

And holy shit did I get goosebumps, especially when he spit: "I've mastered my darkness and harnessed that bastard." O wee spit that shit. Your energy was incredible I could feel the grit and toughness in your voice from here in the States. Some lyrics pretty raw which is epic but that's why I didn't have your lyrics at a perfect 5.0.

Like he said during the video "this here had to be said." Check his performance out below:

ARTIST #2: @kaykunoichi

@kaykunoichi is one of the most original, unique contestants I have witnessed this far in the Rap Challenge and o weee did she blow my mind. Had her judged as: Flow: 3.0, Lyrics: 4.0, and Delivery/energy: 3.5 for an average of 3.5.

I called artists like @kaykunoichi "mind-fucks" as the biggest compliments I can give an artist. Mind-fucks sell out arenas. You expect this and woah no way she brought that. whattttt. Yeah you did to witness @kykunoichi because my gut instinct is telling me her journey is only beginning. I deducted you some points for flow and delivery for some pauses and some times couldn't completely understand, but once you get your swag and confidence that shit will go away immediately.

Thanks again @kaykunoichi for your time and attention. Check out her entry here:

ARTIST #3: @verbal-d

The entry that @verbal-d submitted this week was something I have rarely ever experienced in my life. Had him judged as: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 5.0, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for an average of 4.5.

Maybe it was the Enimen beat or the straight real lyrics he spit but this was a whole new level of @verbal-d that I have never seen before. He put this beat on his back and carried it. Marshawn Lynch style. "I never knew I would be adopted away from my parents. Read a Child Called It, my connection apparent / a parent." Now find me two better opening lines than that holy shit man you absolutely destroyed this week's entry. Everything from your hand gestures, to your increased energy level and grit in your voice, to the absolutely epic lyrics.

I don't know what else to say but thank you @verbal-d . Check out this once in a lifetime entry here:

ARTIST #4: @alao

Watch out Steemians @alao is riding an rapping in this week's Rap Challenge entry. Had him judged as: Flow: 3.5, Lyrics: 3.5, and Delivery/energy: 3.5 for an average of 3.67.

@alao , I noticed the increased energy from your voice immediately maybe riding and rapping is the way to go for you. I dinged you in Flow and Delivery because of the pauses you had when you were spitting and it kind of looked like you were reading the lyrics off camera which might explain the pauses. If that's the case I would just rehearse that shit in front of a mirror 100 times and then have your friends capture that fire. Learned from some of the greats, your lyrics have to be second nature or your flow and delivery will suffer.

I really enjoyed your entry and and I look forward to them every freakin week o weeee. Thanks again and check out this awesome entry here:

ARTIST #5: @dmalaver

@dmalaver , brings the Venezulean heat in this entry of the Rap Challenge. Had him judged as the following: Flow: 3.0, Lyrics: 4.0, and Delivery/energy: 3.0 for an average of 3.33.

I really appreciate the talent of someone who can spit in two languages, its absolutely one of the hardest thing in music to do. @dmalaver spits both in Spanish and English and o wee he kills it lyrically for example: "welcome to my mind, where you are getting high." I digged you for flow because of the breaks and pauses and digged you for delivery/energy because I couldn't hear some of your lyrics. You got that OG spirit, try standing up next time when spitting and practice the Enlgish part 50x more than the Spanish part. Hard work always pays off buddy.

Check out this amazing bilingual entry here:

ARTIST #6: @palisade

@palisade 's high qualities entries have become a staple of the Rap Challenge and this week was no exception. Had judged as: Flow: 4.5, Lyrics: 5.0, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for an average of 4.67.

"Send the piggies to the trough" o weeeeeeee all day my friend. I literally could copy your entire lyrics on here and every bar is fuckin epic. That is the secret to making an epic entry, make sure every line is epic. And man you sure succeeded with that one.

I thank the universe for you and your talent holy shit you are going places. Check out this epic entry below:

ARTIST #7: @yakuhi

@yakuhi brought a whole level of lyrics to the entry in Week #6 of the Rap Challenge. Had judged as: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 5.0, Delivery/energy: 3.5 for an average of 4.17.

"And most real guys I know, don't deal with guns." Respect my brother, respect, all you lyrics in this entry were incredible. You are progressing rapidly from week to week. Keep up the good work, I would just practice that shit 100 times in front of a mirror and then get pumped somehow go fro a run, have one of your friends talk shit to you, whatever you have to do to get your blood pumping because when that happens a perfect entry will happen.

Check out this epic entry below:

ARTIST #8: @casvnova

@casvnova brought that original flavor with a unique sound in this week's Rap Challenge. Had judged as: 3.0 across the board for an average of 3.0.

@casvnova you started off so good with "Im a Houston kid probably off hallucinogens," and then immediately flipped to "Scumbag degenerate likely cause of all my friends." You went schizo on this entry and man that takes some skill. You rap about some good and then flip right to bad. Not my cup of tea but I can appreciate how hard that is to do. And for real I really like the unique sound of your voice. Can't wait to see what you bring next week buddy.

Check out @casvnova 's entry below:

ARTIST #9: @mickeymic

@mickeymic definitely brings a unique both visually and lyrically in this week's Rap Challenge entry. Had judged as the following: 3.0 across the board for an average of 3.0

"i'm the numba one spitta in the jungle fam." o alright talk that shit haha. I really liked your flow and lyrics just the energy wasn't there for me and the visuals were real distracting for real. Next time just go with a video of you spitting, no after effects or anything. You don't need that stuff to shine, you got it in you.

Thanks again @mickeymic for your time and attention, check out his entry below:

ARTIST #10: @eddiebxxx

@eddiebxxx blesses Steemians with epic knowledge on this entry of Week 6 of the Rap Challenge. Judges as: Flow: 5.0, Lyrics: 5.0, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for an average of 4.83.

"We all know sheep, need a Shepard that's ntaural." O wee you are unfortunately speaking the truth. "I don't rap to entertain. I rap to enter your brain.." What man keep these epic bars coming. Bar after bar in this entry is absolute epicness. You want to learn some shit today listen to this fire @eddiebxxx spits. You already know, no words needed. Entry below:

ARTIST #11: @opinizeunltd

@opinizeunltd brings that wavy entry into this week's Rap Challenge. Judged as the following: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 4.0, and Delivery/energy: 3.5 for an average of 3.83.

@opinizeunltd I really loved your energy, lyrics, and wavy visuals it really made your entry stick out from the pack. I digged you for energy because I know you got a lion in ya bring that shit out buddy. I can only imagine what your future entries will bring holy shit.

Check out this amazing, good vibed entry below:

ARTIST #12: @benja

Rapidly becoming one of my favorite Steemit musicians, @benja brings that fire in this week's entry in the Rap Challenge. Had judged as: Flow: 5.0, Lyrics: 4.0, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for an a average of 4.5.

@benja everything about this entry is epic. From your unique voice, the high quality audio, the energy, and that flow. You dominated that beat. And man that last line got meeeee, "I don't give a fuck, white cracker with no privilege." gave me goosebumps, what a way to end an entry. Can't wait to see what epicness you bring next week o weeee.

Check out this fire entry below:

ARTIST #13: @burningzeal

Another one of my favorite Steemit musicians, @burningzeal brings something so unique I have never witnessed anything like it until I was exposed to @burningzeal 's first entry in the Rap Challenge. Judged as: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 5.0, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for an average of 4.5.

Your lyrics, energy, and voice were all freakin on point. the only thing i dinged you were a few pauses in your flow and that's it. @burningzeal you destryoed this week's entry. i have already listened to it multiple times since judging it, its straight fire. If you remember progression, not perfection man your journey is going to be an incredible one.

Check out this absolutely epic entry below:

ARTIST #14: @hashbrown

@hashbrown brings his unique flavor to this week Rap Challenge. Judged as the following: Flow: 3.5, Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 3.5 for an average of 3.83.

@hashbrown your lyrics were on point like every week but I noticed a little difference in your flow this week. I know you are a smart dude and your brain moves fast but some parts you spit that shit so fast I could barely understand. I had to run it back a couple times before I fully got it. I would just slow it down a little so you audience can truly appreciate the gems that you are spitting. Because we all know @hashbrown brings the lyrics. Can't wait to see what you have in store for next week.

Check out this awesome entry below:

ARTIST #15: @steamint

Last, but not least, @steamint brings that mobile flow to the Rap Challenge. Judged as follows: Flow: 3.0, Lyrics: 3.5, and Delivery/energy: 3.0 for an average of 3.17.

@steamint delivers this entire entry while he is driving delivering pizzas and man given those circumstances you killed it. I really liked how your accent came into play with your voice and flow. Next time lets see what you can do without delivering pizzas and rapping. I have a feeling you are going to destroy it.

Check out this awesome entry below:


This concludes @chiefmappster 's analysis of the Rap Challenge Week #6.

I hope this helps and brings value to the artists who participated and also any Steemian part of this community who is interested in music, competition, or positive messages. Stay tuned to next week's comprehensive analysis.

Also don't forget, if you are a beatmaker, producer, or know any producers, help us spread the awareness for the Beat Battle League starting next week. For more information go here: https://steemit.com/music/@chiefmappster/it-s-a-go-beat-battle-league-starts-next-week

Thank you as always for you time and attention.




Congrats to all winners...
Following u Dear

Rap brings people together. It can save the world. Everyone should rap when trying to communicate with each other. More rap I say!

Seems like a very logical conclusion to me buddy :)

Thank @chiefmappster you for writing something interesting in your post ini.saya like with your post sehigga I can see and learn how to make a good post. Hopefully success always follow you, thanks

Thank you so much for your kind words :)

There so many good ones, hard to judge at all. I'd love to get gritty with some of these emcees man. Thanks for the props!!!

Rightttt man its a good problem to have but dang its hard. You're welcome buddy, keep doing great things.

Thank you for your time and attention

Thanks for the feedback. I literally wrote the song on a plane ride and spit it the next day in the car up to Vermon.

You're welcome buddy I am just trying help out where I can. That's whats up though. That traveling man's lifestyle :) We need to get you in the booth asapp

And thanks again for your support. Put my soul and time into these posts.

Cool! I'm glad you could kinda understand my kiwi accent lol

Haha I didn't even notice the accent. I thought you were American haha

Us silly Americans :)

Good to know your opinion, this post requires a lot of work, nice analysis!!

Thank you, appreciate your words.

And I am here to help buddy. i help artists with branding, booking, and the business basics so let me know if I can ever be of any help.

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