A Judge's Analysis of the Rap Challenge Week #5

in #rapchallenge8 years ago (edited)

Being a judge since week #2 of the Rap Challenge, I have seen how amazing this challenge brings together the Steemit music community. I feel so appreciative of @rondonson for creating this vehicle for positive change.


If you don't know, the Rap Challenge is hosted by @rondonson and has a weekly prize pool distributed to three top artists each week. These artists choose one of three instrumentals and post a video with their best rhymes.

The panel of judges consisiting of @rondonson , @jphenderson , @chiefmappster , @arkadiy , @dozkia , @nmc206 , and @psykoize score each contestant on three categories: (1) flow, (2) lyrics, and (3) delivery/energy.

The panel uses a spreadsheet to help streamline the judging process and allows us to clearly see the winners. However, I have also noticed this spreadsheet can also be used to help identify areas of strength and/or weaknesses for artists. As a result, today's post will be the first in a series of in-depth analysis of how I judged the Rap Challenge.

My main goal is to bring as much value as possible to the artist here on Steemit by providing unbiased, critical feedback. In my experience with helping artists, I have learned sometimes being too close to an artist can skew your critique of that artist.

That being said, here is my comprehensive analysis of this week's Rap Challenge contestants. Artists are scored on a scale from 1-5 with 5 being the highest.

ARTIST #1: @alao

@alao brings that laid-back wavy style to the Rap Challenge this week. I had him scored 3.0 for flow, 3.0 for lyrics, and 1.5 for delivery/energy for an average of 2.5.

"This world is what you make it, some die young and get caught up in the matrix..." is just one example of the dope lyrics he has in there. If every bar you had in this verse was like that one, you would have been scored a perfect 5.0 for lyrics. The only other thing is the energy buddy. These cats are bringing some much energy its contagious to the viewers and thus the judges as well. I would do your best Machine Gun Kelly and go nuts in Week #6's entry. Thanks again @alao , your flow is always amazing to hear these past four weeks.

ARTIST #2: @voyceatlas

Man I got so much energy from @voyceatlas 's awesome entry this week. I had him scored the following: 4.0 for flow, 4.0 for lyrics, and 4.0 for delivery/energy.

Lyrics and delivery/energy are the highpoints of @voyceatlas 's entry. My favorite part of his entry was when he spit "Use your lyrics as a shovel. He is trying to wake you up.. but they not waking up." Holy shit man, this gave me the goosebumps. Some real epic words right there. Only reason I dinged you on flow was around the :41 second mark but man this was an awesome entry. Thanks again for your time and effort.

ARTIST #3: @inhale

Gotta love @inhale bringing his unique flavor to the Rap Challenge each week. I had this week's entry scored as: 1.0 for flow, 2.5 for lyrics, and 2.0 for delivery/energy for an average of 1.83.

What I would say to you @inhale is keep doing you. Go with you gut instinct and you'll win long-term. However, for me personally there is something about your voice that turns me off. I love some of your lyrics like: "treat people how you want to be treated," and "be the source of fun, compassion," are freakin epic and inspirational. Props to you. One thing I would do is study some of the greatest rappers' flows and see how you can implement their successes into your style. Thanks again for entry, looking forward to the next one.

ARTIST #4: @allcapsonezero

"As in life, chill for best results." @allcapsonezero embodies this in this week's entry in the Rap Challenge. I had his real wavy entry as the following: 2.5 for flow, 3.0 for lyrics, and 3.0 for delivery/energy with an average of 2.83.

I really love your bars starting at 40 seconds o wee they resonated with me. Your entry brought a nice calming presence to this week's entries. Only thing stopping you from the top three is some work on your flow and bring more energy, maybe stand up while you spit instead of sitting down. Just a thought, can't wait to see your next week's entry.

ARTIST #5: @yakuhi

@yakuhi is rockin the fresh cut in this week's entry to the Rap Challenge. I scored him 2.5 for flow, 4.0 for lyrics, and 3.0 for delivery/energy averaging 3.17 for this week's entry.

@yakuhi bring the positive lyrics like, "Your purpose is clear. Your cause can't be lost," really complements his positive energy nicely when he spits. I am all about artists with positive lyrics and message so props to you. One thing I would add is try and channel all that positivity and turn it into some raw energy. Look at some high energy performers such as Hopsin and Machine Gun Kelly and work some of that high-energy into your style. I have a feeling it would result in absolute greatness. Thanks again for your time and energy buddy.

ARTIST #6: @burningzeal

Holy shit @burningzeal your freakin voice. Have never heard anything like it up my life. Complete mindfuck, absolutely love it buddy. I had him scored 4.5 across the board as he truly killed this entry.

"I don't rap, I just spit encrypted messages." O weeeee are you kidding me?! What an epic way to start off a Steemit Rap Challenge entry. And that's just the beginning of @burningzeal's lyrical masterpiece. Man you killed this may be my favorite entry this week. One thing you slipped a couple times in your flow and maybe try standing instead of sitting to maximize your energy level, but shit that's about it.

ARTIST #7: @chrisgoans

@chrisgoans adds another awesome Rap Challenge entry to his belt with this week's entry. Had him scored the following: 3.5 for flow, 4.0 for lyrics, and 2.5 for energy for an average of 3.33.

From my perspective, the only stopping you from a top three entry this week is your energy level. Get one of your hype friends in the room with you and get hyped up before you spit these entries. I know you got that epic energy in you, just have to access it. Your lyrics speak to me per usual so really just a little adjustment on your flow and some more energy and you got this competition. Thanks again for inspiring me buddy.

**ARTIST #8: @maxizee

Ayyyyyy now this is energy @maxizee . You brought it this week. Your scorecard is as follows: 2.5 for flow, 3.5 lyrics, and 5.0 for delivery/energy for an average of 3.67.

Your voice sounds like a healthier DMX holy shit. Mix that with your energy levels that remind me of Futuristic, and wow this is an awesome entry. Your entry was epic and I can't wait to see your future entries, I'm freakin pumped. The one thing I would fine-tune is your flow and man you will be a beast every week in these challenges. Thanks again for inspiring me with your energy.

ARTIST #9: @obeg

Anyone who buys bitcoin at $239 is a visionary in my book and wow @obeg brings his crypto-themed Rap Challenge this week. I had @opeg scored as: 2.5 for flow, 4.0 for lyrics, and 4.0 for delivery/energy averaging 3.5 for this week's entry.

I love how you reference the old way of living (working a 9-5) and frame it with crypto. Your delievery and lyrics were so dope and reiterated a lot of my own personal beliefs. So cool to see you become succesful off of knowledge. I would just watch some game film of your raps and compare your flow with some other greats' flows and go from there. You have unlimited potential, can't wait to see what you have in store in the future.

**ARTIST #10: @speaktheunspoken

@speaktheunspoken was so creative this week he did an A-Z rhyme, starting each bar with the letter of the alphabet in descending order. I have him scored as: **2.0 for flow, 4.0 for lyrics, and 2.5 for deliver/energy for an average of 2.83.

@speaktheunspoken your lyrics are there man just have to tap into that inter Cassidy of yours and turn that flow into monster form. Watch some game film of yourself and see what you see compared to other great's flows. I love your creativity with the A-Z shows your brain is working overtime. Can't wait to see next week's entry buddy.

ARTIST #11: @verbal-d

@verbal-d brings his consistent Rap Challenge entries to a whole new level this week. Had him scored as the following: 3.5 for flow, 4.5 for lyrics, and 4.0 for delivery energy for an average of 4.0.**

@verbal-d always brings the high quality lyrics but something about this week really resonated with me. Maybe because the lyrics were based off real life, but I was vibing hard to your entry this week. Thank you for inspiring me man, your entry was epic. Can't wait for the fire you bring next week. And shit maybe next time have someone else film you spit see how you really can spit without worrying about that.

ARTIST #12: @eddiebxxx

O weeeeeeeeeeeeee @eddiebxxx came with the fire in this week's Rap Challenge entry. Got some serious goosebumps buddy. Had you scored as: 4.5 for flow, 4.5 for lyrics, and 4.0 for delivery/energy.

"So go ahead and ask the local freemasons about me." "ayyyyyy you killed it with this one" -from one of my local (Brecksville) freemasons haha. Like every week your entry has a high level of flow, lyrical masterpiece, and delivery/energy. We gotta get you doing some shows or something haha. Epicness all around buddy, can't wait to see what you have in store for next's week challenge.

ARTIST #13: @mickeymic

@mickeymic couldn't download the beat, but still he dominates this entry o weee. I had him scored: **3.5 for flow, 4.0 for lyrics, and 3.5 for delivery/energy.

All around solid entry from @mickeymic . I would just watch some game film of the other artists here competing and see how your flow and deliver/energy compare. Your lyrics are dope no doubt, can't wait to see a performance of you fully hype. Thanks again for your time and and energy buddy.

ARTIST #14: @ariel1212king

Ayyy @ariel1212king is in the crypto space with this week's Rap Challenge entry. His scoreboard is: 2.5 for flow, 3.0 for lyrics, and 3.0 for delivery/energy averaging 2.83.

"If he Michael, I'm gunna beat him," ayy really appreciated your lyrics man even though you got that Warriors hat on (Cavs fan here) haha. Keep progressing buddy and I have a feeling you are going to be a force in this Rap Challenge.

This concludes @chiefmappster 's analysis of the Rap Challenge Week #5. I hope this helps and brings value to he artists who participated and also any Steemian part of this community who is interested in music, competition, or positive messages.

Stay tuned to next week's comprehensive analysis :)

Thank you as always for you time and attention.




thanks for taking the time to break it down like that

You're welcome buddy really appreciate your words. Just trying to do my part to grow this music community. Thanks again buddy, keep doing great things

this is excellent work right here man, i resteemed this bro. Very good and detailed info. This kind of thing can help grow the challenge too...we need to talk privately soon.

Thank you I really appreciate that. Trying to do my part to grow this community. But sounds good be back from this funeral today

Thanks for this review bro, much appreciate what you are doing for the Hip Hop community here on steemit. Much respect.

You're welcome buddy really appreciate those words. Just trying to do my part to grow this community, I love it here.
And thank you for killin it and be so professional. A real example for people to look up to

You're most welcome bro, me too, gotta enhance the steemit experience and helps the community grow. It is amazing her. Thank you for all that you do. And yes, music is a gift that keeps on giving and I know I could die any day, so I always keep that in mind, and I know I must make a difference while I still have a chance each and every day. It is great to be an inspirational influencer through Hip Hop, what a win win situation!

Righttttt what a great time to be a live. We gotta feel blessedd to live in this time. What an era. And thank you for your words lets get this Steemit community close-knit before the mainstream gets in and tries to fuck with it :)

You're most welcome and I completely agree, been in this community 11 months strong and am excited that we have entered into our second year of growth together

Ayyy heck yeah you are a Steemit OG thats for sure buddy. Thank you so much for all that you do

Thanks bro, thank you as well for all that you do, can't wait for the production beat contest to start :)

Thank you I really appreciate it. And yessirrrrr starts next week can't wait so excited :)

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Awesome stuff. I suggested Geechidan come check this out as well!

Thank you buddy. I really appreciate that

That helps make this challenge even tighter! Thanks.

Ayyy thank you buddy appreciate it, I think y'all deserve some critical feedback for all the time and effort you put in. Really love seeing everyone's different styles. Keep doing great things buddy

Yeh, I can agree that I'm less expressive than i should be. This Whole trip has been a learning process. Keep up the good work.

Thank you buddy for your words. And you are absolutely right this whole thing we call life is a learning process. Keep doing great things, let's make these dreams a reality.

Oh man, the one week I missed haha! I'll make sure to be back again next week! Was busy finishing up a couple EP's and a single I'm excited to share tho.

Great job analyzing every entry, was looking for the entries and I'm looking forward to hearing them all!

Thank you I really appreciate I put that time into this one o wee. I'll be doing this every week to give you guys as much value as I can.

Ayyyyyyy can't wait my brother to check it out o weeee you got me pumped l. It's going to be a hash brown summer o weeee

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