Open Source Communities Thrive When The People Care

in #rant7 years ago (edited)

This is just a rant....

Earlier today, I wrote about how difficult it has been for me to get my hands on Ripple. After I wrote it, I shared it over on Twitter and suddenly got Trolled. The post from earlier specifically said, if you're a fan of ripple, please don't talk to me about it.

Instead, the troll on Twitter did exactly that!

Not only did they talk to me about it, they went and wrote a Medium tutorial, and straight up said I didn't know what I was talking about. The tutorial featured using Shapeshift .... as if My original post didn't include a LINK to one of 2 shapeshift transactions that resulted in me LOSING money, and not getting any Ripple.

This snob, know it all, decides "I" Must have just done something wrong!

Problems like these exist in these 'spaces', where seemingly Very Smart people have a need to "Feel" smart too. IF you're smart, you don't have to Do anything to FEEL smart, which tells me these people aren't, very ..... They just happened to be in the right place, at the right time.

Now, they like to try and 'hold what they know' over others .... and I'd be okay with it, if it were done in a truly, caring and help-centered way.

This wasn't.

The Tutorial made it look like signing up for GateHub and being approved to start recieving XRP to your wallet is a simple 2 step process. It's not. Gatehub asks for ID, documents to be uploaded, and then ask people to wait around 5 days. For me it's been 14 days, and the entire process solidified why I'm going to pass on this coin - In SPITE of what people say.

Even though I wrote that earlier, the SNOBS in our community of 'traders' decide I must not be Educated. One of them actually said that. Because after the first SNOB approached me, her troll snob followers weren't far behind.

How is this healthy? -- and why are people doing it?

DO they work for Ripple and have a need to challenge anyone who's not a fan? How come these SNOBS fail to realize how problematic they are? Naturally, their decision to attack and troll me, meant I had to either be trolled or defend myself.

I defended myself, showed how ignorant she was to do a tutorial and tag me in it, when no one asked her to do that. I decided to explain what was already written in the post, that inspired her tutorial. I should have known better because their snob attitudes were dripping in every tweet.

That being said, I know I'm not alone.

I see people who are literally 'afraid' to ask questions.... how are people supposed to find out anything if no one can ask a fawking question?

Without one of the SNOBS acting like a pure ASShat - and just answering? When I joined the Slack for Library Credits the first thing you see, literally is NOt to ask any questions. Ok, to some degree I do understand Newbies can ask some silly ass questions. I'm not suggesting it should be 'acceptable' for people to put in NO effort on their own before asking a question. In fact, those questions (informed questions) are always better questions!

Plus you can't really understand 'answers' to questions for things you yourself have not attempted to do, without help. Then when help comes it's like 'ohhhh I get it!" ---

I saw someone ask about Trezor wallets. People jumped in the comments to tell the person to get a Ledger Nano instead. Did they ask about the Ledger?

No, you're not being 'helpful', to suggest a product that is OUT OF STOCK TILL MID AUGUST .... no one is waiting till MID fucking AUGUST to store their Crypto!! BUT these snobs in our community are SO similar to the snobs in the Web Design community.

You know, that is where Open Source comes from... Web Designers who decided to "SHARE INFORMATION" in order to make the WEB a better place. You people on this site and others who feel that SHARING Information isn't a good thing, don't know what you're talking about. You folks who can't just answer the question people asked, are literally going to put all of our money at risk.

Because you WANT people to INVEST in this shit.

Some of you idiots are RUNNING people away, with your snob attitudes (Not me) - I'm tough. I can handle these things but a lot of people cannot. They'll just quit and go back to what they know and can understand. That's always better than getting made fun of, for asking a fawking question.

Snobs, you need to do more than think about your Ego and how YOU want to 'feel' ... wanna feel important?

Then actually HELP someone ... CARE about someone besides just your self. Seek to make others as knowledgeable as you are. IF someone is having issues, try not to 'assume' what steps they've already taken. Talking down to people does not make others feel 'welcomed'.

Otherwise, if you have no desire to truly be helpful .... shut the fawk up.

You're killing it for everyone; Yourself included.

Rant over...

TL;DR - feel free to send me some DOGE ....

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