Toxic America, We Choose It, We Allow It, And It IS Killing us.

in #rant6 years ago

Bad Values.
Our environment is suffering the effects of our bad values.


We insulate ourselves from the consequences of behaviors in all kinds of ways, pretending that we are not able to make meaningful change.

We stand aside silently consuming our lattes, hair dyes and manicures, indulging in the comforts of our culture and giving a collective shrug at the effects on the world of our behaviors.

I know it's too much to ask people to give up their creature comforts, this is why I fall back on SAD IRONY to express my discomfort over global ecocide, giving an outraged comment here, or a disgusted post there, but by and large, not putting the face of the collective conscience in the ship pile we are creating for our descendants.


Still, I have to wonder how people can collectively continue this illusion of safety while super storms ruin entire nations, and drive millions into hunger and thirst.
How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle?
The answer for most people is on the backs of the children of the future, we don't live with them, and likely will be dead by the time they arrive, so we ignore the effects of our choices and justify geocide through our collective choice to ignore the future we are creating.

The lack of effort is honestly sicking, in a physical sense, it is sickening the people who have to live in the toxic environments we create through our consumerism, we know that people are getting sick and dying from environmentally caused ailments, we know that the fumes and liquids created by our consumer ways have long term effects on the environment, but choose not to change our ways or require our government to change, we choose comfort instead, we choose to remain entrenched in our behaviors, some how justifying the desolation we wreak on those less fortunate.

There are portions of the usa where the air is poison, the water is poison, and the soil is poison, but we don't hold the polluters accountable, we don't boycott them, blockade them or shut them down, instead we continue to use their products, and even carry investments in the industries which are actually killing people who have to live with the toxins created for our lattes.

I don't fear our fascist federal government, I am more afraid of the apathy of my so called allies.


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