You Are Not Morally Obligated To Be A Victim

in #rant7 years ago


"Be pacifist in the face of violence" is like saying "turn the other cheek" which is like saying "let people abuse you." It's not a moral failing to say "no." You are not morally obligated to be a victim.

There is no spiritual reward for being a doormat. You don't get Heaven Points for standing by and watching yourself/your people/anyone be abused.

Obviously not everyone has it in them to fight back. And the response so often mentioned is more correctly, "fight, flight, or freeze," because sometimes, your body's response to danger is to curl into a ball and endure, even if you are screaming at your limbs to obey you and do something else while it's happening. That's part of life, and nothing to be ashamed of.

But shaming others for standing up for what is right, defending themselves, defending others? Well. You're on the side of the abuser then.

It is a position of privilege to be apathetic, to "live and let live" in the face of tyranny, to not be "too" radical in your politics. If you aren't facing the urgency of survival, be it because of poverty, or because you have a young black son who you are terrified the police will murder for reaching for his wallet when they asked for his ID, or because you have a First Nations daughter who you are terrified to let walk alone because of sex traffickers targeting Native women, or because your family has been poisoned with lead in your water pipes, or because you are a trans woman who fears violence, or anything ...if you're okay, and you can get by, keep your head down, mind your own business, and not get involved? You're lucky. Other people don't have that option. Condemning them for not rolling over and dying is to say that it's fine for those things to happen to them.

Oh no, property damage? What was the Boston Tea Party? A hell of a lot of property damage, that's what.

Oh no, somebody punched Richard Spencer? The "alt-right" actually kills people:

I'm not at all saying that the solution to everything is a fist. Sometimes the nonviolent approach is the more effective one. But usually it is so ONLY IF THE PERPETRATOR OF THE ORIGINAL VIOLENCE IS CAPABLE OF SHAME OR CARES ABOUT PUBLIC OPINION. If they have no shame, they will keep on taking advantage because they see no downside (coughbanksterscoughbigoilcough).

Cyntonia Brown shot the man who bought her as a sex slave when she was 16 years old. And then she was sentenced to 51 years in prison for murder. How is that justice? What would you propose she have done, be a sex slave and thank God for it? Would you?

If your life is good enough that you don't feel the need to do anything drastic, I'm happy for you, I really am. But if you sit up on your pedestal lecturing the guy who grabs the boot on his back and tosses its wearer to the ground, then you're on the side of the boot, and shouldn't be surprised when your pedestal goes down next.

Karma, you say? Exactly. It's karma in action when the boot wearer gets tossed down. It's karma in action when the sex trafficker gets shot. The person defending themselves isn't in for some bad karma, they are karma's instrument.

Stop being afraid of your power thanks to all of these religious/spiritual controls peppered throughout our society telling you to do so. It is not evil to stand up. It is not a sin to fight back. It is not a bad thing to stop people from hurting others.

If there is a God who would punish Cyntonia Brown for shooting her rapist pedophile sex slave trafficker, are you sure that's a God you want to worship? If you don't think your God would do that, then isn't it evil that our society does?

Jesus flipped tables and put the beat down on the moneychangers. Isn't that violence and property damage?

I'm not saying you have to fight. But maybe get the fuck off your self righteous ego horse and give that ride to someone who has been beaten down so much they could really use the lift.

Tl;dr you're not being humble by trying to humiliate people who don't want to be abused anymore. You're adding to the violence being perpetrated against them already. That's not even a micro-aggression. That is full-on aggression against the downtrodden, by you.

PS, Gandhi was a pervert who made young girls sleep naked with him to test his resolve to not be tempted to fuck them.

PPS, Mother Theresa didn't actually give medical care to her charges, because she thought their suffering was pleasing to God. But when she was sick, she flew to Europe and got the best treatment available, because apparently HER suffering was NOT pleasing to God.

PPPS, both of those things are violence and abuse.

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Upvoted but not a dang penny!! Arrgh!! I'm beginning to consider this a micro aggression!!! But in all seriousness. I heartily agree. Resteemed!!

LOL! Thank you. :)
I am grateful for your haepenny! 😉

Just want my penny back....whines. 😢

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