Metatron's Cube and the Mandelbrot Fractal! The Fractal Flower...

in #rant7 years ago


So I stumbled across this a few months ago from a post on Linkedin. It tripped me out then, and it still trips me out now so I decided to share it...

Is uncanny close to what I have seen in a dream... And looks an awful lot like some of the stuff I have put together for the NanoCheeZe MEQUAVIS Project... I even say somewhere on my pages on that we are going to use that metatron cube star setup with a mandelbrot fractal... lol

The guy that posted this is richer than rich can be... The type that knows stuff that others don't know. Why did he post this picture... It's basically metatrons cube overlayed with a mandelbrot fractal...

What you see here... That's the basis of how you traverse, map, and navigate a multiverse or digital multiverse endlessly...or the quantum realm...

As it is above so it shall be below...

Did an image search for it and found this bigger one which included someones rant about what metatrons cube is for... Was rather interesting to read...

It brought me to this rant about arbitrary numbers and it was rather wacky and interesting at the same time...

Either-way, I really liked the art I found, and I enjoy seeing people work out the math on metatrons cube, even if it's wrong... :P


Wassup #nanocheeze my friend very interesting stuff, I used to draw pics with similar meaning just with compass and pen.
If you are interested to find out more about this research term sacred geometry.

Awesome post bro!
The five elements (ether, earth, fire, air and water) to make up metatron's cube:

clearly essentially to the proper creation of a matrix :P
The dodecahedron has a good history in regards to how it was like death for researching it in the past...
And the 6th element either being love or the void, I've never gotten a good answer other than the 6th element is a duality or yin and yang of the two, something and nothing... love and hate

Makes sense, maybe it's deeper than that? It could be the void as the terrain where the two forces can actually happen.

Man did Heraclitus had a great of explaining the four elements that surrouds the aether:

trust me, I find this stuff fascinating especially in regards to the notion of retrocausality because in theory the universe/God could have taught him or itself how to build the universe itself via retrocausality all because we learned or developed it... emergent reality principles.. How could a all knowing and all powerful creator just poof, exist, retrocausality can explain it a little...akashic record and all that jazz... Pretty wonderous imo...

Platonic Solids?💡

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