Losing my goddamn mind rant (Please tell me how you blow off steam)

in #rant7 years ago

Fuck the state.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Most people want nothing more than to be slaves who get better crumbs than the rest of the slaves. The more rights the slaves give up, the more responsibilities they think they can abrogate. They mistake freedom from responsibility for freedom itself.

There are too few of us who want to live free of these endless, incessant, and broad spectrum violations of all of our individual natural rights.

I usually blow off steam by finding some profoundly ignorant people, I don't need to look very far, and use the truth to blow their minds. Their confusion is not always very satisfying, but at least I get to practice my arguments.

Occasionally, nothing else will do, but intense physical exercise. It's difficult to be irritable when exhausted. Always remember to breathe.

They mistake freedom from responsibility for freedom itself.

Yes. This is so true and so well said.

I usually blow off steam by finding some profoundly ignorant people, I don't need to look very far, and use the truth to blow their minds. Their confusion is not always very satisfying, but at least I get to practice my arguments.

I've seen you do this. I really like this approach. Very cool.

You're right about the exercise, too. Since I've started running, my mind has been a lot clearer/more resolute.

Thanks always for the support and kind words.


This may not work for you, but when I need encouragement to remain resolute in the truth, I read/watch blogs like yours, @richq11, and @stevescoins. There are others, but these are my 'go to' blogs that I use for refreshment of spirit.

I think you may have a much greater positive effect than you know.

Thank you.

Thanks so much.

I don’t know how it is up in Niigata, but here the tax office is pretty lenient. I usually end up reluctantly paying about three years late, and only because I have to renew my visa. I know some Japanese people who don’t pay at all. Also, I don’t pay for the mandatory social insurance, because I looked into it and found out it’s not actually mandatory for foreigners, although they will tell you it is at city hall. As far as medical insurance, there are companies that offer insurance for foreigners for much cheaper than the national bs plan.

So, if you have a permanent visa (which I don’t yet) and are doing independent work, you should be able to get away with not paying any of that shit.

Thanks so much for this man. Gonna look into it all.

Dude, I'm with ya man.
I take a break away from the Internet and smoke a doobie, that's my way to distress.
You're right to feel pissed so don't feel bad but please try to stay positive that we'll get there in the end. The blockchain technologies and Cryptocurrencies will whittle away at the 'mans' power and eventually everyone will get it.
Everything you rant about is true and the sheep mentality of the masses is fucking frustrating, the dumbass majority who buy into the Government BS and stand with their hands out waiting to be taken care of by a criminal political system make me sick. I wanna get on the rooftop and shout "Get off your lazy arses morons and do something" but it wouldn't do any good, they're too entwined in the system that will eventually collapse leaving them with Jack shit. I used to pity them but know I despise them for contributing to everyone's misery. See I'm ranting now too! It's therapeutic, I bet you felt better when you finished the video. Deep breath dude, your anger shows you care.

Yeah, I did feel better after that rant. Really would love to smoke a doobie sometimes, but the potential 5 years in prison with hard labor and no access to a lawyer makes that prospect somewhat less relaxing. Not because I myself really give a damn, so much, but because I have a family to take care of.

the dumbass majority who buy into the Government BS and stand with their hands out waiting to be taken care of by a criminal political system make me sick.

It's always good to know I'm not alone. Thanks man.

OMG?! 5 years in jail and hard labour for a doobie!
That's horrific, who's it harming for fuck sake?
That just goes to show how pathetic and fascistic the governments have become.
You're definately not alone buddy.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets that way, man :)

I probably have several mini rants to myself throughout the day. Typically, I listen to music really loud and talk to myself for a while. But also, alcohol and cannabis.

I'm with you, pal!

Definitely not the only one. Thanks man. Feel a little bit more balanced now.

I really wish the midwest would join the fucking program and legalize marijuana... opioid epidemics, heroin overdoses everywhere yet we can't all smoke a natural herb? Pisses me off...

It's fucking retarded, in the truest sense of the word. Makes me fucking angry, too..

The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies.—HL Mencken

I watched it until the last second and can't think about a point to disagree with you yet. Sometimes I'm just the student.
I used to let off steam when I was playing football (the European one you know), but that didnt usually end well for me...haha.
But better ranting in front of a camera than to our loved ones.
Keep ya head up high bro!

Thanks man. MAX POWER is all we got. Keep pushin'!

After I ranted in front of the camera I felt a little better. You'll have to tell me about your football days over drinks sometime. Sounds like a fun conversation ;)

Yes we should get together someday soon.
I haven't been out at all recently due to work and family.
And now Steemit is occupying me too ;)

I put my first 2 weeks together in this post

Thanks for helping me out with all my questions bro!!! Appreciating and enjoying it to the Max!!

I'll be honest, at first, right before watching your video, I though I was going to laugh at you.

But in the middle part, it went interesting and I actually agreed.

Well in the end I laughed but not at you, it was a combination of amazement, agreement and the funny way you expressed it.

No one's gonna fucking wipe your ass for you anymore - SO. FUCKING. RIGHT.

I watch your videos, and other voluntaryist stuff. I get more sad thought I rarely get mad, but I must say you have an excellent well articulate, even artistic way, of blowing of steem eehh....steam.

I'm more shut of from the world there are not many people around me I don't live in a city and I work on my home.

I can imagine that if I was more like you, engaged in "society" I would be confronted with statist thinking and that I would be more mad. Maybe you could take some sort of a break, I don't know.

This video has helped me through the darkest times in the beginning of my being voluntayist. It's a bit pompous but what the heck it kept me going.

Oh and what helps me, is seeing sometimes people wake up in the comment section of this or that video or article Or to hear, in real live, someone saying things I said, without them realizing that they got it from me. I say noting then and laugh a little inside, it gives me the courage to continue because I know some seeds do germinate. Peace

Oh and what helps me, is seeing sometimes people wake up in the comment section of this or that video or article Or to hear, in real live, someone saying things I said, without them realizing that they got it from me. I say noting then and laugh a little inside, it gives me the courage to continue because I know some seeds do germinate. Peace

This is very true, and important to remember. I've seen it as well, myself. it's the rare case, but makes all the other frustrations kind of worth it, in a way.

Thanks for your support.

I think katamori's reply in this comment section is a positive one. :)

I feel ya mang. I'm in the middle of a tiresome debate with the usual nitpicker who is capable of sounding very intelligent whilst at the same time entirely failing to address any of my points/ questionss... It does take up a hell of a lot of mental bandwith!

Personally - and it's definitely not for everyone - I go on inward journeys using a combination of the Tarot and meditation. I find it very cleansing to delve into the ways in which I perpetuate the master/ slave dynamic... Jung would call it 'Shadow-work'.

Peas & Unity, brother!

As a fellow lover of Jung, I am in full agreement about the shadow work man.

he usual nitpicker who is capable of sounding very intelligent whilst at the same time entirely failing to address any of my points/ questionss... It does take up a hell of a lot of mental bandwith!

THIS IS THE SHIT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!! Haha. It certainly does take up a lot of bandwidth!

Peace to you, my friend.

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