
Are you sure? A few more times and it will stick in your head!

It's talent, I guess, writing stuff that's actually designed to do just that - as with radio ads / jingles - and doing so successfully. Mmm ... I feel a Steemit post coming on ...

You did well, I stopped after 34 seconds.

In reality I didn't get much further but didn't want to be accused of not giving it a chance.

(Following you for the paleo recipes, music and especially other musings.)

Shh, that can be our little secret... I'm currently obsessed with music as it's New Zealand music month, but hopefully once May is over, you'll be rewarded with recipes and musings.

So I see - though I've yet to check out those posts properly. I'm a rabid music hound myself but must admit my knowledge of the Kiwi scene would fit on the back of a Flight of the Conchords ticket, so interested to see what's there. What I did spot was that "5 C's for new Steemians", which I take to be yours. It's the second time this weekend I've seen your point about looking out for posts of those you already know, or ones of interest, rather that scrolling through the reams of dross in New, Hot and Trending. Seems much more natural and will be part of my strategy henceforward, as indeed will just about every in your list. I'll be posting soon enough. Just mooching around getting a feel at the moment, sniffing out such truffles of Steemit lore.

Yes, those 5 C's are my take on it. Let me know when you do your intro post, so I can come and check it out. Hopefully you'll find some gems to your taste in the NZ music posts. I think there was a really string scene in the 80s and 90s, not sure about now. Depends on what you like, I guess.

I'm reading "strong scene" but a Kiwi string scene sounds if anything more intriguing. My problem is I like too much music, and get a lot even from stuff I don't particularly (taste in music is a topic already on my long list of ideas for posts). I'll be introducing myself pretty soon now. I'm not quite sure about messaging on here but perhaps a reply on your latest post will do when that exciting moment is reached.

Yes, your interpretation of "string" is correct, lol. I'll be interested in reading your taste in music post. I think my taste is pretty wide, but there are certain things I hate. But then I find a song in that genre I love. Go figure!

Generally putting links to your own post in the comments of somebody else's is frowned upon, but since I asked you too, just put "here's the link you requested" on one of my posts. (Just in case anyone else thinks you're spamming me)

The 'taste' post, if it happens, will draw on this interesting little book, the gist of which emerges from the description: The fact is I have about six Word pages of post ideas (I mean one per line - just the subject) and can't go for my run without coming back with three more, so who knows what order they'll get done in.

That good lore about frownage on links to one's own posts. I was aware of it at some level I guess. That's a good way around it and a note has been made. Strategy, once I've finish positioning myself for the alt season that may or may not ever arrive, will be to write a little stockpile of posts while commenting; introduce myself then start releasing the posts while writing more; try to become a steemiteditor once about 20 are up; pass on to world domination.

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