Value, BEGONE!

in #rant6 years ago


This is a rant, if you despise harsh language and honest opinions move along.

Now with that's said

There is so many aspects of this topic that it is hard to even start from somewhere. Emotional distress is something I suffer from time to time, sometimes it feels that it is all that I suffer from. For me the trigger is often stress and frustration from work. Well, not often, pretty much always. Working as a chef is really physically heavy, tho, it never bothered me, the physical part of the job. Not even when I was in really bad shape myself. It never was about that I was too physically exhausted to work. It is always being about emotional load.

You can talk and talk, but that won’t move mountains. If somebody isn’t willing to change, you can’t help it. This is something why I lack faith so much towards mankind. I’m powered by logic, I’m willing to alter my point of view if I’ve been giving reasonable reason for that, logical explanation why something else than my style works better, faster, more efficient and so on. But not all are willing to such act.

I often say that I’m allergic to stupidity, this is about it. If there is ways to do things better, and at the same time faster, without losing the quality aspect, I just don’t understand why aren’t you willing to alter your behavior towards being better version of you? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

I have always hated free riders. Always. I’ve worked hard for everything I have. I value the money I have because I work for it. I value my lifestyle because it took time from me to build it that way. I’m not depending on anyone. Strong and independent woman, act 1. It kills me a little every day, that I have to watch free riders. People that don’t earn what they get. So! Who am I to judge who deserves and doesn’t deserve stuff and thingies? Nobody. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t see when people are treated as unequals. I’m not talking about me at the moment. I know that’s something I usually talk about. But no. This is about what I see and it bothers me. I’m not a bastion of equality, but for workplaces there should be such thing. There is hierarchy, and on the bottom of that hierarchy are common workers. They should be equals. This hardly is the case.

Equals doesn’t mean to me that everyone should be treated the same. No. People are different and people should be treated based on their value. If your knowhow is greater than your coworker’s shouldn’t you be treated like you valued more? I think you should. I know where my specialities lies, I know what I can and what I can’t do. It doesn’t bother me that somebody knows better than me, vice versa. If I know someone has greater knowledge than I have I try to learn from that individual. I want to suck that precious knowledge out of them to be better myself, better version from me. I have urge to evolve as a worker, and as a human being and I just can’t understand when there are people who fails to learn anything even when the knowhow is handed to them on a golden plate.

I’ve watched years now how some people are undervalued, and it bothers me that I can’t do anything about it. How they work double than others from lesser cost. How they slowly burn out even when they should be raised to the pedal and be worshipped. Their style should be mimicked and it should be turned as a new standard. And there they are now, years later, done, exhausted, broken and burned out. Why is it so hard to some ”leaders” to value the knowledge they have in their teams? How they fail to see it even when they are losing it? I use quotation marks because I think that such person isn’t a leader. Or at least they shouldn’t be. Leader should be person who recognizes the value that there is and put right people in right places.

Okay, this is a little also about me. I feel the emotional load at the moment. So heavily that I constantly try to seek way out. It’s not about not having to work anymore, I know I have to work and I want to, but I also want to be valued from it. Money is just one reason to work. The feeling that you are valued and appreciated is as important as money, or even more, at least for me. Why would I work as a chef, with minimum wage, if I wouldn’t get something more from it?

The biggest problem for me is the definition of equality at the moment. That everyone should be treated the same no matter if they deserve it or not. People are not the same, nor are their value.
I’ll give you extreme example: There are two patient, the first patient is healthy working age woman and the other patient is senior citizen. They both need heart transplant, without it they die. There is only one matching heart. Who gets it?
People are ranked based their value. Only the grading scale differs. If you rank those two patient using gain for society as a variable, The heart would go to working age woman, this is just purely logical, isn’t it?

Of course you could rank those people differently but usually the harsh logical way is how it is done. If some people can decide who lives and who dies, why is it so frigging hard to rank people in workplaces based on their experience?

Really, this was a legit question. I’ve worked in restaurant and hotel business now 12ish years and this is something I’ve seen every fucking workplace there is.

Why do we fail to see and appreciate valuable individuals?



there there

We are conditioned to be narcissistic and want to be better than others. We do not appreciate those around us . Then the media and society teaches us those on less money are not a good as us and we are better due to our salary then we can buy better stuff enforcing our higher rank in society. Then those with not such a good income are told they need things to better their life they can't afford them get depressed and see those that can enforcing the societal hierarchy . It make sme sick really 💯🐒

Exactly. I want better for myself, ofc, but i'm not willing to do it by downplaying others. I want to be better fair and square. I am a loner and despise most people, I have morale of somekind and if i want to win and be better than others, I want to win fairly.

I have recently been told as work I should not be so friendly with the "unqualified staff" gets my blood boiling 💯🐒

They miss us only after we are gone, stupid.

throws dick pics at monitor
Does thiz helpz?

"Why do we fail to see and appreciate valuable individuals?"
Because people tend to care only about themselves. We all play favorites. In relationships. In work. Perhaps we are not even always aware of that fact. I would guess that you are not willing to stay silent if you don't like something or someone. Your superiors can't see you in a favorable light because you reveal their flaws and shortcomings. Despite best of intentions bringers of bad news are rarely welcomed with open arms. Perhaps they would appreciate you more if you would change into "Yes sir/mam! Everything is perfect and you are always right!" kinda girl... But then you would likely start disliking yourself...

First, It is not about me disliking people and pointing it out. I often dislike people, but i still respect them for their knowledge. Liking someone and appreciating are two very different thing.
And secondly, i’m sneaky girl. I know how to play my cards and i always know whom to please to gain maximum profit.

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