I’m BACK! Did you miss me?

in #rant6 years ago (edited)


A few of you already got worried about me having way too good mood like 3 days in a row. I’m pleased to tell you, I’m not pleased. AT ALL!

In my dark and empty soul there is a special corner reserved for people who waste my time, or try to fuck up my business.

And oh boy, do we have a line today!

How low can you go?

If you try to fuck my business, you should be ready to take everything I have for you, because let’s face it, being a bitch is something you can’t win if I’m the one up against you. I’m, I was and I will be the uncrowned queen of being a heartless bitch, so deal with it or get rekt.

It almost amuses me how people try to be sneaky and devious with me, and have a solid faith, that they don’t get caught. Cute, just cute. Oh hun, you always get caught if you try to mess something that is mine, if not immediately because you are obvious and stupid, then I’m just going to hunt you down. Unfortunately I don’t need to hunt too often, even if a good hunt is just delightful way to spend afternoon.

Here is rule no. 1 if you want to try to fuck up my business, be sure you are sneaky as hell, because I invented the game so I know how to play it.

I don't even mind the part that people write some shit about me in internet, you are welcome to do that. All publicity is good publicity. But the part you think you can get away with it and not get caught amuses me. I'm not idiot. You don't need to be a hacker to figure out whom are the people you have relationship with. So, here is a tip for you people: If you want to talk shit about me, try to even do that anonymously. Or even better, grow a fucking pair and do it with your face on.

What did I say about wasting my time?

There is just a few things in life that makes me flame up like this. The first one is if you try to soil my name, second one is if you waste my time. And today, they are just trying to do everything at once and then some. All thought the amusing attempt to soil my name just made me laugh, the real reason for this rant is wasting my time.

I just hate when people fuck up and they lose nothing because of it. They don’t have to suffer from their mistake and it is I who’s time gets wasted. Really? Is that REALLY SO FUCKING HARD TO DO YOUR JOB? After all, that is why they pay you for, doing the job!

When did things changed like that? And where was I ? In my world if I fuck up I’m the one who is held responsible, and I think that is how it should be. That is the reason why I don’t fuck up. But apparently there is a collateral universe colliding with mine, where it is totally okay to fuck up someone else’s business and just say ”Sorry” and everything is fine again. GUESS WHAT FUCKERS!? It ain’t okay!

When I fuck up, or mess someone’s business, I need to fix the damage I have caused. And that is what I do. That seems just logical to me. It is just logical causal connection. ”Sorry, we messed up” don’t really do anything for me. It doesn’t fix the damage, it won’t remove problem nor cause, and it hell isn’t okay afterwards because of simple sorry.

Is it too much to ask to have more than 3 nice days in a row, without dealing with fuckers who tries to ruin my life after they already fucked up their own?

Ps. Sorry, not sorry about all the fuck’s, every single one was necessary.


Cussing is healthy.

So is venting rage. I don't trust someone who is superficially "happy" all the time. They're either on drugs, an alien, or too stupid to realize what is happening to them.

Glad you are back -- give 'em hell.

Or all above. Stupid alien on drugs.

Oh hun, there is going to be hell, storm is rising, better bring your umbrella.

Stupid alien on drugs.

Somehow this reminds me of a particular person at my work place... hmm.... Ahh.. that's it! You forgot "bitch" from there ;)

They're either on drugs, an alien, or too stupid to realize what is happening to them.

Well, it's not always like that. Sometimes they just prefer to be pleasant to others while they die, alone, on the inside. ^_^

Hope you're having a wonderful day!!! xD

If you're telling me that pegging the emotional barometer to "happy" all the time is healthy -- then I disagree.

We're the product of many experiences, and a monotone level of "happy" is not only artificial, it robs the soul of the sophistication and annealing that happens when you surmount difficult obstacles.

You might as well ask a coin to have only one side. It doesn't make sense, and I don't trust plastic people that pin large smiles on their faces all the time. It isn't real, and it isn't healthy.

If you're telling me that pegging the emotional barometer to "happy" all the time is healthy -- then I disagree.

Nah, I didn't say that.

I don't trust plastic people that pin large smiles on their faces all the time.

I think I know what you're talking about, and I mostly agree about "fakeness," but let me present an alternative point of view. I enjoy being friendly to others. It makes me happy. So, when I am down... I still smile at others, and try to treat them well. It helps me to be happier, and I hope it helps them to be happier too.

I don't think that makes me fake or "plastic." I hope not.

Nah, I didn't say that.

That's why I used the conditional statement "If" at the start of my sentence. You didn't mean it that way, that's fine.

While you are correct that mimicing motions of joy can be used to reverse a bad mood, I'm more of the mind that we need both sides of the emotional spectrum to function properly.

There are benefits to every emotion, positive or not.

Back to reclaiming ownership of the #rant tag, I see. It suits you ^_^

Hope this new problem isn't a Steem thing. We have enough drama here! :D

Not this time around. All irl related problems :) thanks! It feels like being back home :)

What is responsibility? Does it have something to do with actions and consequences?

Apparently not. I think it is some kind of crappy sandwich ? Maybe. Everebody talks about it, but nobody is having it.

OH it must be one of those vacuum packed triangle sandwiches, yak!

"Responsibility, now with even more bitter taste and real mayo!"

I think it might be about stational responses from space that sound like hillbillies.

So many foul words. Girls shouldn't swear that is so inappropriate...-10000 points from me😝

Yey fiery vamp returns! Am I a bad person for enjoying this?

Idk, are you? So, my stats are now somewhat -666?

that is something for others to decide. But I could maybe try to roleplay as one. If you will ask me nicely.
give or take few points.


Ei edes paskin lempinimi mikä mulle on annettu ;)

No ei tietysti oo... herra Hyde on tän vahva alter ego , niin kehuhan se vaan voi olla ;D

Finnish looks so super funny 😂

Ja kehuna sen myös otin:) Hyde kuulostaa ihan mun tyypiltä, voisit joskus esitellä sen!

No sä kyllä tavallaan liikut sellaisessa seurassa jossa Hyde näyttäytyy aika usein ja pahimmillaan...maybe some day :D

Calm down ;)
Don’t let stupid fuckers fuck up your fucking day.

But they already did :(((

Okay - you may unleash your rage now 😘

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