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RE: Flat Earthers

in #rant5 years ago

you're right - this film, and the flat earth 'leaders' together with the cult community they have built around these dishonest personalities, are designed to stop people questioning the ridiculous idea of living on a ball rotating at 1038 mph (etc.)

if you are an honest scientific researcher, you might want to take a look at 'kings dethroned' by early 20th century astronomer and author Gerrard Hickson, and he was by far not alone.

history is written by the victors, right?



I'll take a look at that, it is good to question what we've been told, but if the earth isn't flat, or spherical, what could it be?

However that astronomer did not have access to modern technology such as lazer gyroscopes, satellites, and high powered telescopes which can detect the movement of earth among other things.

no idea as yet - but i agree, it is good to question everything, and not accept half-baked answers as the truth because of either the source or just because 'everyone knows that.'

if you have come across any scientific experiment that has proved the earth is in motion i would love to know about it. most empirical science like this died out in the early 20th century, hence michelson-morley, sagnac's turntables and airy's 'failure' are some of the only experiments i know of which tried to detect earth's movement, and failed.


Not experiments per se, more observations, they don't prove that the earth does not move, but they do prove that the stars move relative to earth. It cannot be said for sure that it is the earth moving, rather than the rest of the universe orbiting earth however it does seem far fetched that earth is the centre of the universe.

Parralax, Abberation, Dopler Effect.

thanks for your reply. yes, the claim of stellar parallax: you're going to love this discussion, eye-opening for those seeking truth -

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