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RE: Ransonware - Petya targetting companies in Russia, Ukraine, and India

in #ransomware7 years ago

This Petya targets devices that somehow still aren't secured against EternalBlue, but can deploy other infection options as well. For example, the attackers seem to be spreading the ransomware through the software update feature of a Ukrainian program called MeDoc, and possibly through Microsoft Word documents laced with malicious macros.


Point is petya can be prevented to spread if the system is up to date.
One of the news media assumed 70% of India ATMs still running on old copy of windows operating system. That's not a surprise to get compromised.

Thats true, I worked on Indian ATMs for citibank when I was there in IT. some places its too old and dirty. They will place a cash and leave.. there is no enough maintenance.

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