@randowhale To The Rescue

in #randowhale7 years ago


I guess every social media platform has its share of con men, ripoff artists and other all-round scumbags (I can think of one off-hand with a name similar to @randowhale only with an 'M') all waiting to prey on the unsuspecting, the naive and technological neanderthals, like your's truly. Why should Steemit be any exception, especially being that it's censorship free.

Taking this into consideration, every time I have to transfer funds, I break out in a cold sweat... there's always that warning that goes something like: Make certain your information is correct or your funds will be LOST.

Yesterday there was a post that was particularly good and I wanted to give it a boost. I had read a post a day or so before by @randowhale saying something about @randowhale and @randowhale1. Truth be told, I actually misread the post entirely and mistakenly sent my $2 SBD to @randowhale1. An hour or so passed and nothing happened... I screwed up- surprise, surprise, surprise! So I told myself, suck it up Buttercup, put on your big boy pants, it's only $2 SBD- not the end of the world (believe me, I've thrown way more than that away over the years).

Imagine my surprise, an hour or so later when I got a Wallet Notification... @randowhale had refunded my $2 SBD. I know it's only $2 SBD, but to me it's a lot more than that... it's a principle- integrity!

I say kudos @randowhale... Bravo! (and thank you) They have proven, to me at least, that they are a pillar of the Steemit Community deserving our support. What I propose is twofold and not only benefits @randowhale, but the Steemit Community as a whole.

First: If you see a post by @randowhale- give it an Upvote and Resteem.

Second: For those of us that have been here awhile and benefited from our time here- pick a newbie- give them a boost through @randowhale (it's only $2 SBD). This will not only help a minnow on his/her journey to success, it will help @randowhale as well (I believe). Remember, we're a community and when one of us wins, we all win!

Steem On and Full Steem Ahead!!!


GIF by @papa-pepper



At least you can transfer funds..i can't even access my private active key to do anything :(

we need to log in the active key to show the private key right? its not accepting my master password.

Go to your wallet and click on "permissions" it should have them all listed.

what happened?

Either am putting the wrong passwordor its not accepting my master key to get the private active key.

Are you using the owner key?

is it the owner key that's needed? i was using the master key password.

I think so. Give it a shot and let us know

thank you..let me have a look.

it said to use a private key not a public key.
there's only one owner key right?
the only private keys are the master key and the private posting key..are there more?
wait i saw another copy of my master key.

The owner key is the master key for the account and is required to change the other keys.
The private key or password for the owner key should be kept offline as much as possible.

On the penmissions page, they should be in this order going down

there's only one owner key right?

yup ;>

thanks pheww!! SBD to steem done.
now the randowhale..when transferring 2SBD, it asks for a memo but it doesn't accept the public memo key. which does it specifically want??

OH - you meant for use with randowhale no don't put any private OR Permission keys keys in there!!!!

the memo there is for the URL or web address of the post you want

OK, I took a look at his Wallet transactions, and you didn't post your owner key


That would have let everybody see your ownerkey; that is your full password

dont use that one for anything else but on Steemit for changes you make - never give that out to 3rd parties

Good post @richq11... Here sharing the sentiment.
Upvoted - Resteemed

Thank you, my friend!

De nada amigo. Just digging into your novel now.

I hope you enjoy it!

May just write a review if it doesn't bother you.

Doesn't bother me at all (no such thing as bad publicity lol)

LOL - good man!

Just be gentle... I'm old!

Just found your account and followed. As someone new to Steemit, I appreciate your dedication to the platform.

I've been amazed at the communities starting to form here. I'm documenting the creation of my first urban farm. I look forward to contributing as much as I can, which for now is invested content + 2 cents at a time.

Steemit is a wonderful place. Totally different from Fakebook or Twatter... people here care! Like with anything you get a few jerks but you get to recognize them and avoid (mute).

You'll like it here... Like I tell people- forget about money (your 2cents will turn overnight). It took me forever to get up to $100 because I kept giving it away. If someone was in trouble, I'd give them half of what I had. If you didn't have a lot to invest coming in (I had $0) it takes awhile to build up... Don't worry about- just create good content and people will recognize you. Commenting is a good way for people to see who you are.

Same problem was with me too !!
I posted an article and send 2SBD to @randowhale but the random was done after 1 hour !!
But it was nice
I like it

Thank You for sharing

Thank you... I think they opened up another account (@randowhale1) because the other was drained... It should be fine now. Just use the original

But we have to send SBD in @randowhale only !
Not in @randowhale1

Nice yesterdayi had something simuliar. I send it in two ammounts 1.988 Steemdollar and the rest 0.89 steem. I thought I screwed up can happen.. I will send him a a reply. Maybe im lucky like you.

I hope so!

at least it was my own fault :)

So was mine.

Pay it forward Rich, way to go by suggesting we do that. I'm going to do it later tonight. I'm still a minnow, but I know the inspirational power you get when someone bigger upvotes your post.

Good write-up and summary.

I've used @randonwhale twice now, with returns of 1.3 and 2.1 %; a little loss on the first and a decent win on the second

If you are going to use @randowhale for your own posts, make sure to use it in the first few minutes after publishing

...and a very nice suggestion to use it to help new Steemers!

Thanks Buddy... I'm working on a post for information wars... The Fallacy of the Malthusian Dystopia. (Not too erudite is it?)

not for me LOL

somebody warned me once about the big words I used.

I try to explain any complex words/concepts when I use them, tho.

Knowing your style, you're gonna be fine ;>

good to know, so after a few hours it made no sense to do?

no, it's better to do it early, but you lose some of the value to curation wards if you wait too long

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