Random Short Stories That Make No Sense: Special Edition: Kate & Patches

Random Short Stories That Make No Sense: Special Edition: Kate & Patches

This is my second "Random Short Stories That Make No Sense". It's a special edition because I wrote this story years ago when I was only five years old. In this story, I have not made any grammatical changes to the text because I feel that it takes away the effect of the 5-year-old writing. When little kids write something it's almost always creative no matter what it's about. Now, I am about to show you one of my random funny little kid stories.

Kate & Patches

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Kate. Kate lived on a hill, and one day Kate went for a walk with her sword. And she saw a … hamster! So she took the hamster home but Kate had nowhere to put it. The hamster was sad, and Kate asked what the hamsters name was, and the hamster said my name is Patches. Then they went to bed.
And when they woke up Kate said lets go for a walk to find a bed for Patches. And they found a bed for Patches so they brought it home. Then they went to bed but Kate could not sleep because Patches was snoring.
When they woke up Kate went for a walk and she found a monkey, phone, fan, purse, ball and makeup (Kate is a poor girl). Later that day Kate went for a second walk and she found a real tiara, and she began to dig and dig and dig until she got so tired for digging that she didn’t want to dig anymore but she didn’t give up.
And she found 5 big diamonds now KATE IS RICH! Kate used to be poor but now she is rich THE END. Written at age 5, many years ago.

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