
I am blown away by the bike lane! I think Spider Man needs a holiday.

Are you feeling better?

Spider man can't go nowhere, he's stuck at the train station!
Feeling better dude, thanks, it was horrible. Back at my desk!

My son would love that Spider-Man! And I would love that bike path. Far too much of Japan only has a narrow bike lane on the main road, a narrow bike lane that many drivers feel like they are allowed to drive in or park in. Le sigh. haha nature's communists, eh?

Great photos as usual. Thought the Spidey hanging there was real.

I think bees would technically be monarchists? No? :)

you are really making me want to visit someday man, even that city landscape looks awesome.

and lol @ natures communists :-P

can't believe the spiderman 2 is still hanging! That's crazy!!

That bike lane is reflecting beautiful with tri-coloured and in my opinion it can prove an amazing journey when we drive on this lane because colours always give breathtaking and pleasing effect, and i hope that you will enjoy this ride soon, and we should respect honey bees because they help in producing the natural sweet of nature and literally speaking natural honey give an energetic essence and i personally try to find the natural honey instead of ready made. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Very nice photography. thanks for sharing

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