Random Games Week 11- Your Collection | My collection of good grades

in #randomgames6 years ago
Something I like very much about steemit and social networks in general is that everything absolutely everything has its space, so if someone does not care about a topic they do not see it, but if someone likes something they can share it and maybe find people who likewise he likes you In other circumstances I would never have shown this collection to anyone, maybe nobody seems a genuine collection, and the reason why I think it is a collection is basically because: number one means a lot to me (an incalculable sentimental value) and number two (like some collections) my mom thinks it's garbage hahaha, I'll just laugh at the latter, I always do it.


Well, I'll explain. When I started high school (which is the secondary school in some countries) after the teachers began to give me the notes of my exams, they said "Keep this very well, if there is a problem with any note it is better that you have to corroborate" As I was very worried because that could happen, I began to keep the good grades I got in my house, it is supposed that at the end of the year you had to do the same: throw them out. However I could never do it.

So I kept the notes during the five years of high school, I did things like fighting with my classmates so I could be the one to keep the exams when they were done in a group, but they consider me a trustworthy person, so very few times They refused to let me stay with them.

Much of the importance of this collection is that I really like to study, in my country: Venezuela, the lyceum has a weighting of grades from 1 to 20, if you take 20 congratulations !, and I had a good twenties during all this time.

What I like most about this collection, is that it's really mine, and I say it because in order to make it come true I had to dedicate myself many years, many hours of study, I really strive and see all these papers with good grades is something that comfort, is the best demonstration that if you try hard enough and put your talent in doing things well you can get good results.

I do not want you to misunderstand me, I am a partisan that grades are not everything in life and that we have different talents, some may be good for school or not, but there is nothing wrong with someone being and having a collection like this. .

The only thing I regret is not being able to continue it, because at the University of ten exams you do, they only give you one, so there is no collection material.

Since I said my extensive explanation, I show you my secret collection, only my sister, my mother and I know about it. Well, now you.


This image shows the five folders in which I have grouped the exams. The first one with the barbie sticker (very cheesy) is my first year, and the collage of my photos with the image of Pascualina is from my last year.

As I wanted to have a good presentation of this mountain of papers, I made a huge circle with them, here several photos:





In the center I placed one of the exams that always brings to my mind a story, it is a third year physics, and the broadest twenty that a professor placed me. What times!

The numeric data after this collection are the following (in the images they are not all, it was impossible)

Total exams with a score of 20/20 = 207
Total exams rated 19/20 = 43
Total exams rated 18/20 = 29
Total exams rated 17/20 = 9
Total exams rated 16/20 = 7
I also had a 10/20, what a shame, in math. And a 14/20 in informatics for work education

I hope you liked it, and I almost forgot, but this is my ticket to the Random Games Week 11 organized by @kristyglas, here is the link: LINK



It is really cool that you still keep yours. They do bring back good ol' memories :)

Yes, they can really remind you of the time when you were younger and you were worried about some of these tests.

An interesting collection. You can be proud of it because, as you wrote, you did it on your own. You learnt for it and worked for it. I hope you can build on it in your life :)

My father did collect the not so nice letters he got from school about his children's breaches of rules. Then I hated him for it but now I love to look at them and remember the time.

hahahaha your dad if he knows about collections! Good thing you can remember your times through it, thanks for your comment.

You're very well organised, @stanestyle...

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