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RE: Little, Yet Priceless: (Random Acts Of Kindness).

@olawalium--Your heart speak such beautiful volumes of love that are already making an impact on the world, and our lives here on Steemit. You are a great example of how we can bless others by simply living with a joyous spirit, and sharing it with others--known or unknown. I'm so grateful to have found you and to be enjoying the sparkling ripples flowing through your being. Thanks for taking the challenge and kicking it up to a new level. Infinite blessings to you.


You have infected me with so much love and care and i am more than deliberate about it right now. Love makes the world go round and i am so happy Steemit have you here to remind us of what really matters; love and affection for people. We need more people like you to affect our world. We are blessed to have you. I am always here for you. Thank you always.

Well that sounds like a great infection to have! Lol. It's always great to remember what is of true importance, and act on it. Thanks for doing that @olawalium. Thanks for your love and support.

Always here for you and massive thanks to you too. 😊

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