
I love that start man.... at first I was like "no way" ghost in the fucking shell.


Glad they can't chase you off. You haven't missed a whole lot in your absence. I think we are about to enter the flag wars between the whales so grab some popcorn.

I have plenty of popcorn.
Can't wait to be entertained by future warfare haha

I have alot of posts to read in my absence. ha

Was in my own world... building some "hobby" crypto-night mining machines.
Got some free electricity that I'm gonna take as much advantage as possible. :)

Any whale's knocking at your steemit door? haha

I hope not.

Any whale's knocking at your steemit door? haha

Not yet, and hope to keep it that way, lol. Although sometimes I speak to freely so who knows?

Good luck with the mining. I have almost convinced myself to become more knowledgeable in IT and block chain. Looks like the manosphere is rubbing off on me after several years of exposure.

That's good. HA
haven't really been bugged lately, but I'm not really sure.
...They might be still watching me..... haha
No horse head in my bed yet.... fuck em.

Crypto was everything to me.... Then Mt.Goxxxxx...
but I still couldn't stay away <3
I believe in honest, full accountability. You make and earn what you get.

Seriously Mt. Gox really made me lose hope haha ...


....wake up and all your money, that everyone at the time either had no idea what i was talking about, or only thought it was to buy drugs off silk road.... Jesus.
As soon as you say the word "ledger" you lose like 70% of the attention....sigh... I remember when it finally worked it's way up, being worth a whole dollar. I was much more excited than when I saw it become worth 10,000.
It's a better money, even at the shitty 7 transactions per second or whatever the fuck. ha
I don't want all the elitism, extreme views, or tyranny.

Pretty soon everyone is gonna be walking around like the step-ford wives.
I hate the government, and I feel like a lot of the "government- gravy- train of incompetence"
Will be replaced by a verified consensus, that you, or me, or anyone else can publicly audit.
....Ramble on....
Yeah it takes over haha

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