Dried up, Nothing To Say

in #rambling6 years ago (edited)


It has been a few days since I last posted. I like to post at least once a day, but I seem to have dried up. But what about your writing Muxxy? I'm working on it - I have several plots I'm formulating but it will be a while before they are fleshed out and actually written. What about my 3D art? Again, I have a few projects I am working on, but nothing worth showing. I am currently learning to use Corel Painter, but again nothing I am proud of.

Source Not more crypto analysis, please!

Usually I look to Steem for inspiration, see what everyone is talking about and interested in. The only problem is that since Steem and SBD dipped, there is not much out there to read. It's getting better with the latest price pump, but not like it was. Maybe I could talk about the price of Steem? Nah, too many people are already doing this, and you don't really need me to tell you how to look for yourself to see how it's doing. Good luck to those that do, but we don't need me piling in too.


Perhaps I could talk about flag wars and Steem bullies? But why would I put myself in the firing line for flags? I am still a minnow after all with a 64 rep. It's taken me almost 12 months to reach this level. Does that make me a coward? Maybe in some eyes, but I'd rather like to think of it as self preservation. Pick your battles people.


You don't need me to rattle on about the various projects I am part of - you've heard it all before and it no doubt gets boring. I will however mention that @Muxxybot will soon be coming out of hibernation to curate and share minnow posts.

So what is this ramble actually about? We all put pressure on ourselves to post something worth sharing, but my mother's words echo in the back of my mind when I am scrabbling for anything to post: 'If you've got nothing worth saying, don't say it'. Yes, I was a very talkative child. In another twelve months' time I don't want to look back on my blog and cringe at my content. I want it to be worth reading or, in the case of my streams, watching. So I guess what I am saying is don't force yourself to post just for the sake of posting. Share what's worth sharing. Don't beat yourself up if you don't post for a while. It'll come, don't force it.

Source Slash ft. M. Shadows - Nothing To Say


I agree. Pick your battles. I'm glad you're honest and not just re-wording old stuff and bringing nothing of value in your posts. Even in this post you made me think, and invited people to reflect about their own behaviour, that's in my top-3 list of valuable things to do.

I hear ya GMuxx. In my case I've been crushed at work (weekends and evenings - falling asleep on the couch at 9 p.m.) and have not even been on Discord for a week or so (sorry folks - back soon). Taking five minutes now to quickly scan through stuff. So many projects I'd like to move forward and work on in my spare time... I hope you find your muse... I'm seeing the beginning of May as the light at the end of the tunnel... your project updates are usually great and inspiring. I'd say keep them coming. À toute à l'heure!

Sometimes, I look at my blog and wonder. How did I find so much to write about it? Will I look back in a few years/months and read it like an old diary or cringe at the sight of so much wasted words? I like to redo my first few post for sure, but outside of that I am proud of the improvement and dedication. With that said, there are a few post that I could have probably not posted and still be proud.

Certainly, there is no need to force oneself to make content unless they really must. Better to enjoy it and survive the crypto dip, instead of burning out completely.
I have less time to read lately so I'm more picky for what I check out. This is also why I'm posting less often, but longer posts instead, to save on time :)
I agree with avoiding flag wars if you can't fight it all the way and take the risk :S

wow, it's a great content.

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