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RE: Veterans for Liberty? Not as Much as They Say.

in #ramblerant5 years ago

I will tell you I am proud to have served my country and nothing you can say or do will change that! You can say we were wrong for serving our country and that is one of the freedoms you have to do so, you can speak out against the things you do not like about our country, as again it is the right to free speech. I also have the right to disagree with you and I wholeheartedly do disagree!

I have to say it seems like you are jealous that some of us had the wherewithal to serve our countries. You missed the opportunity to serve your country and you are a bitter person about it. So you come out and attack us as veterans because we served our country with honor and it seems that you wrote this post because you have no honor or pride in your country at all. You downplay all the men that gave their lives for our country and all the friends we lost in our lives, also many of us veterans that came back wounded and hurt and lost many things because of our service to our country.

It is true that the country is not perfect and it will never be perfect because it is not a reality that is feasible. There were wrongs done because of political aspirations and that is not us, the veteran's fault, it is a politician's fault. So go to the root of the problem, the elected officials of our government, and stop bashing us the veterans. You are right, freedom is not free, as there was a lot of blood spilled for your right to downplay us, as veterans, sacrifices for our country. As we say in the south when there is no other words to help you understand or knowing you will never get the point "Bless Your Heart"!


Soldiers obey politicians. Soldiers serve politicians. Soldiers are paid with money stolen by politicians. You can't shift the blame to the politicians. The government composed of these politicians does not represent the populace despite the myth of democracy. Serving politicians is not serving society. How could I take honor or pride in serving under such usurpers and liars? People fight and die for many things. This does not confer automatic nobility upon their causes. It is used by the politicians as propaganda to buy your loyalty.

And you fail to counter my observation that soldiers are conditioned to obedience, and fail to honestly defend the freedoms they claim to have fought to protect. If you did fight for my freedom, stop patting yourself on the back because I speak freely, and start fighting the system that prohibits everything it does not stifle under taxation and regulation. Fight the police who abuse their authority. Fight the endemic corruption of the political class.

It was no means patting myself on the back it was simply stating a fact of how I feel. If you hate the U.S. so bad then leave and go to another county that you find follows your ideas more. From the way you talk I am sure that Iran, Iraq, Venezuela,China or some other county would love for you to go there and speak like you do here. Go over and see how they treat you with your voice of free speech and see what it gets you there.
From where I stand you have no idea what the military really teaches soldiers and you blow and brag about corruption and you have no idea except what the media tells you. You are sounding more like the terrorist cells we fought so hard against that stifles the freedoms we have in many countries. You are preaching about fighting the government and police, tell me what have you done to fight against what you are preaching about here. You talk a good game but I want you to show me not try to blow smoke up my ass, as that is all I see you doing here.

You are being incoherent. Ergo decedo is a fallacy for good reason. Terrorism is the use of violence against a civilian population for political means, which is exactly the opposite of the non-aggression principle I espouse, but identical to what "legitimate" governments do every day. Military basic training includes aspects that are identical to cult brainwashing techniques. And as for what I do, you know damn well that being a free individual is a felony.

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